Analysis of a Secret Lost in the Water Short Story Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Literature
đź“ŚWords: 406
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 08 August 2022

It is safe to say that perspectives can lead to different outcomes situations. There are many people in today's world that have a range of alternative viewpoints on what is and is not significant. The author of Roch Carrier's "A Secret Lost in the Water" asserts that our opinions have a significant impact on our relationships with others. How the speaker chooses to value other subjects over his father's lessons the speaker's relationship with himself AND are all examples of the topic. Individuals must grasp that there are always two ways to look at circumstances because if they do not, they will be surprised by the outcomes.

Along with the first sentence of the story, we can see that the boy's father has stopped talking as much when the boy attended school. This indicates that school is all on the boy's mind and doesn't bother to talk to his father as his knowledge of the skill was shallow.“Not talking, as we had got in the habit of doing it” indicates due to the son's choice of school, not communicating with his father became normal practice. This as well shows that their relationship is deviating further and further away as each day goes on, the habit will result in no talking at all. Looking into the boy’s relationship with his father, we can see that the boy prioritizing school and being ‘intoxicated’ with his subjects can lead to relationship changes, in this case, being distant and quite reserved to each other. Not only is the boy’s relationship with his father and example of perspective influencing relationships, but so the boy valuing other subjects over his father's lessons.

After becoming an adult, ​​because of the younger generation's lack of interest, valuable information the father passed down, which is a valuable asset, will be lost, as demonstrated in the story in the statement “somewhere along the roads I’d taken since the village of my childhood I had forgotten my father’s knowledge”. When the young child discovers he no longer has the power to put forth his father's technique, he battles with his own guilt. Which ultimately leaves to regret. “Don't feel sorry, Nowadays fathers cant pass on anything to the next generation,” said a neighboured farmer is a prominent quote as it directly points out the main message of the story, how different perspectives can influence relationships, eventually transmuting into unexpected outcomes. Due to perspectives on different aspects of growing up, the boy has sorrow and acknowledges the significance of the gift his father shared with him. This demonstrates a remorseful relationship with the boy's past self. Another example of how perspective alters relationships is.

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