Theme Of Loyalty In Romeo And Juliet Essay Example

📌Category: Literature, Plays, Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare
📌Words: 503
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 24 May 2021

Loyalty may seem like the perfect trait but it makes many people unable to see right from wrong. Williams Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, tells a tale of Romeo and Juliet’s dying love for each other causing both to quickly die. Throughout the nurse’s actions of keeping secrets from Juliet’s family, allowing both lovers to meet behind the family’s backs, as well as risking her place at the Capulet household by helping Juliet marry Romeo, Shakespear showcase the message that undying loyalty to someone you love may lead to negative consequences. 

Throughout the story, the nurse stays loyal to Juliet and chooses to help her be happy. The Nurse goes to meet Romeo to help plan how Romeo will marry Juliet, Then proceeds to bring the news home to Juliet secretly without the Capulet family knowing. The nurse tells Juliet, “Then hie you hence to Friar Laurence’ cell.” (2.5. 65-70). The nurses offering her support has turned into something much more serious than she can think of.  The nurse staying loyal to Juliet has left the nurse risking her place within the Capulet household. 

The nurse chooses Juliet’s happiness, though making Juliet happy is difficult the nurse still shows full loyalty and enables the lovers to meet each other. The nurse has helped Romeo to come to meet Juliet and warns the two when she sees Lady Capulet coming their way. As the nurse sees Lady Capulet, the nurse quickly tells Juliet, “Your lady mother is coming to your chamber” (3.5. 38-39). While the nurse does her best to help keep their secret, she fears that they may get caught. The nurse forgets her fears and puts Juliet’s love first once again. 

The nurse is loyal to Juliet because she loves her like her own daughter, and wants what is best for her. Soon after Juliet and Romeo’s marriage, the Capulets decide to marry Juliet to Paris because they do not know she is already married, the nurse also agrees even though she knows the truth. The nurse tells Juliet, “I think it best you married with the country” (3.5. 228-229). Romeo is banished for killing Tybalt, the nurse worries Juliet will not see her husband and advises her to marry Paris. Juliet does not take the news well and feels betrayed by the nurse, Juliet says she will never trust the nurse again.  The nurse’s love is so strong but she is unable to stay loyal to Juliet without causing more issues. 

Williams Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet conveys the message that loyalty to the ones you love may cause greater negative consequences. This is shown through the nurse by keeping secrets from Juliet’s family, allowing both lovers to meet behind the family’s backs, as well as risking her place at the Capulet household by helping Juliet marry Romeo. The nurse betrays the Capulet family with Juliet’s secrets and has to betray Juliet by telling her to forget Romeo and marry another man. The nurse represents the many people who can’t tell the difference between what is right and wrong for the people they love. She shows that her love for Juliet has caused any problem in both their lives, just like how many other people do the same for the ones they love.

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