Fear in The Crucible Essay Sample

📌Category: Plays, The Crucible
📌Words: 499
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 30 June 2022

When individuals are terrified, they are prone to react in odd ways. Mary and Abigail from "The Crucible" demonstrate this circumstance when they are terrorized by someone. In the Crucible, Mary demonstrated an attitude of submission by demonstrating how Abigail was attacked. She frantically alluded to the injuries she was suffering every night, claiming that it was the fault of someone in her immediate vicinity. "He wakes me every night, his eyes were like embers, and his fingers clawed my neck, and I sign, I sign..." Mary Warren sobs (Miller 655). Mary was clearly terrified of something. Something demonic, something unthinkable. "I sign, I sign," she says over and over, expressing her need for help. In this scenario, becoming a witch is the last thing anyone wants to do. The unifying purpose is to escape conviction by acting and toying with people's emotions. Mary is still afraid of being found guilty, but she is not afraid of the impostor who assaults her every night.

Fear is a powerful emotion that has the potential to harm individuals. Patrick Henry, in his "Speech at the Virginia Convention," and Junior, in Sherman Alexie's "How to Fight Monsters," are ideal instances of the word dread since they show a type of yielding. Junior's bully, Roger, abuses him horribly when he first gets at school in "How to Fight Monsters." Roger threatened him because he was unconcerned about his surroundings. Because he is unfamiliar with the changes in the surroundings, the junior is terrified of Roger. Junior was treated as if he wasn't human on his first day of school. Junior was subjected to racial comments and was generally dismissed. People in the office mocked him, demonstrating their lack of professionalism. He embraced everyone's differences, but he wasn't accepted in return. "The next morning, Dad took me to Reardan, twenty-two kilometers away. "I'm terrified," I said. "I'm afraid, too," Dad said. ” (Alexie, age 55) Junior is on his way to Reardan, his new school, from The Rez, his former school. He was on the lookout for a fresh chance, despite the fact that he didn't have much. Due to the negative energy and atmosphere he was in, this chance was lost.

The theme of terror is present throughout "Patrick Henry's Speech."

People may act in unusual ways as a result of their fear. At his "Speech in the Virginia Convention," Patrick Henry's main character practices the emotions of dread and dignity. He highlighted the significance of declaring war on the United Kingdom. "Give me liberty or give me death!" says the narrator. (Henry 5, for example.) This well-known phrase denotes a robust and steadfast refusal to submit to authoritarian tactics or rule. Many individuals are terrified of his choice and wish for it to be made by someone else. Not only may fear cause people to behave abnormally, but it can also cause them to make terrible judgments.

Collectivism causes people to act out of fear rather than rationality, exposing the risk of fear because it causes people to make untrustworthy judgments. Fear is a strong emotion that can make individuals behave abnormally and expose their collective judgments.  Not only may fear cause people to act abnormally, but it can also lead to poor judgments.

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