The Story of the Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was by The Brothers Grimms Essay Example

📌Category: Literature
📌Words: 982
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 02 July 2022

(A)Henry Ford once said, “One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his greatest surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn’t”. An experience many individuals have encountered is being afraid they couldn’t do something. That fear stuck with them preventing them from flourishing. (B) In “ The Story of the Youth Who Went Forth To Find What Fear Was “ by The Brothers Grimms, we are given a young boy who is unable to feel fear allowing for him to grow to his full extent. (C)Kids should read this fairy tale because it teaches them to not let fear stand in the way of their goals.

1The young boy is placed on his own for the first time in his life. Without the judgment of the people around him, he is able to express himself clearly. 2 When the boy spends his first night in the haunted castle he takes advantage of his fearlessness and outwits the big cats. 3While spending the first night at the haunted castle, two giant black cats greet the young boy. Pretending to be a fool the boy allows them closer to him and the fire. The boy asks “shall we have a game of cards” resulting in the cats letting their guard down(273). Before the cats get the chance to strike the boy beats them to it and kills them. 4 The boy was able to successfully last the night.

1Unlike the boy who is not able to feel fear, everyone gets scared from time to time.2 By not being able to feel fear, the boy did not allow emotions to cloud his judgment. 3Before entering the castle the young boy requests” a cutting board with a knife”(273) as one of his materials needed. He evidently knew that they were going to be needed some time throughout his stay. The boy uses these items to protect himself from the demon cats. If at any minute the boy had felt fear, causing him to freeze, he would not have made it out alive. What we need to remember is, it is not about being completely fearless but not letting fear consume you.4 This is a message that kids should internalize because being afraid could discourage them from their goals, but they should not let that stop them. (logos)

1 Keeping a clear head is important, but it is especially important when facing a dangerous situation.2When the young boy on his third night outplays the spirit of an old man, he is gifted with gold and the kingdom.3The boy’s last and final night at the eerie castle,a tall unsightly old man with a long white beard emerges from the shadows claiming “you shall die '' (275). The boy convinces the old man to play a game for his life. When it was the boy’s turn to strike the anvil, he split it in half while also catching the old man’s beard. Having trapped the old man he beats him until he promises him “great riches''(275).4 The boy stayed calm and collected not letting the spirit get the better of him.

B paragraph – analyzing the message in that part of the story

1 With a clear mind, goals are easily seen, therefore a person keeps reaching for their goal. 2By the boy tricking the old man shows he was able to keep a clear mind.3 Evidence How is this message presented?  Should kids read this message? After meeting the old man his goal is to stay alive. Thinking quickly the boy states If he were to die, he would die having “ a say in it”(275). This allows for the ghost to agree with him and take on his wager. Not feeling fear aloud for him to be quick-witted, and in the end, he was rewarded.4 If the boy had let fear take over his mind, his journey would have ended. 

1 The very things that feed your fears, maybe the ones closest to you.2The beginning of the story the boy was thought to be dumb, however, as the story progresses the boy is revealed to be very clever.3 The father describes the boy as someone who “could neither learn nor understand anything”(269). The neighbors thought of him as “ trouble”(269). After being disowned by his father, he travels looking for the thing that would allow him to find fear. 4 With his goal in mind he takes his journey in strides.

1 Fear is an emotion that may come in different forms.2 Even though the young boy was always perceived as stupid, he was able to show in his own way that he was smart.3 There is a time in most people's lives that they are under the impression that they are not qualified for something(pathos). For example when hearing how people shudder the young boy thought it was “an art of which I understand nothing”. He craves to be able to feel fear, to fit in, and he goes to great lengths in order to find it. Perhaps fear didn’t come in the same form to the boy as it does to everyone. Perhaps he was afraid of not fitting in. Using just “ a fire, a turning lathe and a cutting board with a knife”(273) and his brain; the young boy was able to trick the cats, the detached limbs, and the old man. In the end, he becomes a king and finds people who accept him for him; helping him reach his goal of learning how to shudder.4 Reading this story allows for children to see that they can take their fear and grow from it. 

(C) Reading this fairy tale teaches kids not to let fear stand in the way of their goals. (B) The boy used what made him different to his advantage. He outsmarted multiple supernatural beings while keeping a clear mind. The young boy was also able to grow from his experience. If the boy had never felt the need to fit in, the fear of being left out, he would have known he was capable of being a king. (A) Achievements that are thought to be unattainable, are the achievements that mean the most to a person. This story gives children the impression, that just because you are different you should not let fear stop you.

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