Analysis of A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry Essay Example

📌Category: A Raisin in the Sun, Plays
📌Words: 868
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 17 July 2022

Intro;In Lorraine Hansberry plays "A Raisin in the Sun, ¨ Walter sacrifices Beantha's dream, through his own desires and his misuse of the money allows him to realize his mistakes and learn from them.  

Body 1 Beneatha’s dream; In the play by Lorraine Hansberry, “ A Raisin in the Sun'', Beneatha is the family's only daughter, who is a college student who has a desire to become “{I'm going to be} a doctor”. Beneatha was a very ambitious woman and was the most famous among her family members. Beneatha had a desire to become educated to be able to depend on herself and become rich depending on her own. Beneatha always has to argue for her right to dream “And forgive me for ever wanting to  be anything at all!”. Beneatha has a right to dream but her brother consistently always has to remind her that she is a woman or a girl, and he also tries to degrade her dreams and tell her to be a nurse or get married.l. For women to accomplish such great things in 1957 was very hard.  Because of the racial issues and the gender issues that were very unfair back then. Beneatha’s biggest hope to becoming a doctor is some funds from her late father’s insurance money and her brother now that and might have issues with that. “she can always take a few thousand and help you through school too” page 497. Lee knows that if his mother got the money, she would invest some into Beneatha’s medical schooling, and he might have issues with that. Lee’s issues with the mother invest the money in his sister schooling is because he has already planned to use the money to invest in his liquor store. 

Body 2; How Walter’s desire could have possibly destroyed his sister’s dream Body 2;In the play of Lorraine Hansberry the A Raisin in the Sun Walter Lee the oldest son and child of the family has a desire/dream to open a liquor store. Lee realizing that he couldn't do it himself he decides to cooperate with two of his other friends, and they made plans and sketched out how much each would need. They concluded ¨(That)would be ten thousand dollars 494. Walter, with no other consideration, thought about using all the insurance money left by his father through an insurance check. ¨Old Willy Harris puts everything on 520 Walter refers to the contract brought by friend Harris for the opening of the liquor store. you¨You mean that  liquor  store  that  Willy Harris  wants  him  to invest in page 500. After mama realizes that the liquor store is not truly what Walter desires but was more so influenced into him by his Friends. ¨(The more he talks the farther  away he gets)¨ page 547 in reference to how he would live a rich life in the future.  Walter’sWalter´s dream is to be rich in the future and if the liquor store was the way to it Walter was willing to illegally invest his father’s hard-working money into it. 

Body 3; Misuse of money Lee is given a share of his money and his sister’s money but Lee’s ego would not let him make the right decisions.  Lee’sLee´s mother hands Lee a check of $6,500 for him to put $3,000 to ¨(put it) in a savings account for Beneatha's medical schooling.¨ page 545 and the rest was his.  Lee’s mother knowing how much Beneatha’s dream meant to her, she gave Walter money to put aside for her medical school.  Lee’s mother trusted Lee and entrusted his sister’s dream to him and trusted that Walter would do as he told him, but he invests all the money into his dream. Walter gave all the checks to his friend Willy, but he ended up running away with the money “what do you mean Willy is gone?” page 560 Lee gives the money to friend Willy Harris who ends up fleeing with the money. Lee, without even consulting his sister before taking her share of the money, uses her money and kills almost all hopes of her becoming a doctor. Back in 1957 for a black woman to get an education was very hard, some facts include lack of funds.  After mama hears about it she makes sure that what she heard was right and asks Walter “your sister's school money .   . You used  that  too” page 561.  Lee was asked to save money for his sister because it was her dream to be a black female doctor and after mama find out what Lee did she asks God to “show me the strength.”. Because the money was more than just money, it was her husband’s sweat and it was Beneatha’s ticket to going to medical school. 

Conclusion; Realizing his mistake and learning from it. After the incident of the insurance check left by his father Lee almost made another mistake by reselling the house that he’s mother bought.  Which was his mother's dream to have a house of her own and have her own garden.  And Lee is finally supportive of his sister's dream to become a doc“she's  going to  be  a doctor—and we  are very proud” page 575.  Lee finally realizes that his sister has a dream and is determined to be one though now it would be very difficult for her to be one Beneatha is still determined to become a doctor.

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