A Study of Scarlet by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Essay Sample

📌Category: Books
📌Words: 413
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 30 July 2022

Most people are familiar with Sherlock Holmes thanks to the 21st-century adaptations starring Robert Downey Jr. and Benedict Cumberbatch. However, it was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle who created and introduced us to this world-famous detective back in 1886. Arthur Conan Doyle was a physician and writer from the United Kingdom. His novel, A Study in Scarlet, is the first of four novels and fifty-six short stories of the Sherlock Holmes canon. It follows the story of cryptic deaths occurring in the London area. Along with his newfound partner, Dr. John Watson, Sherlock Holmes takes on the case and solves the mystery.

The story begins in 1881 when Watson returned from the Afghan war with a shoulder injury. Watson and his colleague, Stamford, meet Sherlock in a morgue, where Holmes deduced that John has returned from the Afghan war. Watson's growing fascination with Sherlock led him to assist Holmes in the investigation of the deaths of two American men in London.

This book is a great introduction to the character of Sherlock Holmes. We, as readers, get to know him at the same time that John does, because this story, like all others in the Sherlock canon, is narrated from his point of view. It also is a great introduction to the Watson-Holmes relationship. This novel demonstrates John's growing fascination with Sherlock Holmes' character.

What I liked about the book was Conan Doyle's storytelling. While reading this, I just find myself spacing out while imagining what is happening in the story. His use of imagery truly transports us to the world of Holmes and Watson. He tells the story to us by gradually revealing information to us, enticing us to solve the mystery for ourselves.

The second half of the novel is my favorite since it reveals how and why the crime is committed. This part of the book is simply a heartfelt tale. Although they were not that related to the plot, I was able to empathize with the characters and create an emotional connection with them. I even began to agree with the motivations of the criminal.

Overall, I was satisfied with this novel. A Study in Scarlet is a one-of-a-kind, fascinating, and moving novel. Although there are greater stories in the Sherlock Holmes canon, I believe this is one of the best. This is a fantastic introduction to one of the world's most famous detectives. The characters were engrossing and fascinating. Though it was written over a century ago, this book was surprisingly easy to read. This book gets a 5 out of 5 from me, and I would suggest it to anyone interested in Sherlock Holmes or who appreciates a good old detective story.

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