
Doctor Zhivago: The Russian Revolution Essay Example

Within less than a decade more than 15 million Russian men, women, and children had met their demise from war. Brothers turn against each other in one of the bloodiest civil wars in human history that…

Words: 981
Pages: 4
The Devil’s Arithmetic Themes Analysis Essay Example

Introduction - In The Devil's Arithmetic, by Jane Yolen, we meet a girl named Hannah who hates family gatherings. Hannah finds herself in a great number of different events, some boring events, and so…

Words: 625
Pages: 3
13 Reasons Why Book Analysis Essay Example

In Jay Asher's novel, 13 Reasons Why, a seventeen-year-old girl named Hannah Baker commits suicide, and with her death, a series of tapes she left behind about the reasons she committed suicide are re…

Words: 694
Pages: 3
Theme of Redemption in Les Miserables Essay Example

Les Miserables is an incredible epic, written by Victor Hugo, with an overarching theme of redemption. The main character, Jean Valjean, who later takes on another identity, was given many opportuniti…

Words: 1088
Pages: 4