13 Reasons Why Book Analysis Essay Example

📌Category: Books
📌Words: 694
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 05 August 2022

In Jay Asher’s novel, 13 Reasons Why, a seventeen-year-old girl named Hannah Baker commits suicide, and with her death, a series of tapes she left behind about the reasons she committed suicide are released. Our protagonist, Clay must listen to the tapes and ponder Hannah’s suicide. I disagree with the position of community members who believe that 13 Reasons Why encourages teen suicide. In my view, the novel encourages people to help themselves and others, empathy, and awareness. This is as long as readers can understand that there are people out there who care about you, feel empathy for Hannah to realize they aren’t alone, and learn signs of suicide from the novel. 

To begin, readers can learn that there are people out there who care about you and want to help. In a scene, Hannah anonymously leaves a note in her class saying she has been contemplating suicide. The note is shared with her class and they begin to talk about ways to help. “‘If they’re lonely, we could invite them to sit with us at lunch.’ ‘If it’s grades, we can tutor them.’ ‘If it’s their home life, maybe we can…I don’t know…get them counseling or something.’” (Asher, 116). None of these people even knew who the suicidal person was, yet they were all suggesting and offering ways to assist them. Throughout the entire book, Clay listens to Hannah’s tapes and repeatedly mentions he would have helped Hannah. He says, “I would have helped her if she’d only let me. I would have helped her because I want her to be alive.” (Asher, 192). Reading these messages will hopefully encourage readers to consider finding the help they need for themselves if they are ever feeling depressed or suicidal. 

In addition, readers can learn about Hannah’s experiences and feel empathy for her. There are various quotes from Hannah that teenagers may relate to. One example is from the tapes and she says, “But you can’t get away from yourself. You can’t decide not to see yourself anymore. You can’t decide to turn off the noise in your head.” (Asher, 121). I feel like this is a quote a teenager can relate to, especially if they have inescapable thoughts that are consuming them. In another scene, Hannah is raped. She talks about her situation, “All I did was turn my head, clench my teeth, and fight back tears. And he saw that. He even told me to relax.” (Asher, 180). Unfortunately, this is something that a teenager could relate to. Rape is targeted towards younger people and one out of six American women have been a victim of rape. Readers feeling empathy and relating to Hannah will hopefully feel urged that they may need help or need to talk to someone about their issues, especially if they have experienced the warning signs of suicide.

Lastly, readers may learn potential signs of suicide from 13 Reasons Why. In a scene, a teacher passes out a flyer about warning signs of a suicidal person. Hannah reads the first sign, “‘A sudden change in appearance.’” as she tugs on her “...newly chopped hair.” (Asher, 92). In another scene, one of Clay’s friends, Tony, describes how Hannah gave him her bike before she committed suicide. Clay recalls to school and reflects about the warning signs of suicide they learned about and says, “‘Giving away possessions.’” (Asher, 158). As he went through the tapes, he slowly realized how noticeable all of Hannah’s signs of suicide were. Such as her changed appearance, ridding of her possessions, and more. Yet no one reached out and helped her. Teens reading about Hannah’s signs and the consequences can help them learn. They will be sure to check up on their friends. Teens will learn to recognize these signs in their day-to-day lives so they may help someone that could be going through the same situation as Hannah.

Jay Asher’s novel, 13 Reasons Why encourages individuals to help themselves and others, empathy, and awareness. Quotes of encouragement from classmates and the protagonist can assist in helping readers realize there are people out there who care about and want to help them if they are experiencing issues. Readers that feel empathy for Hannah can help them realize they aren’t alone and may need to reach out for help. Warning signs of suicide mentioned in the novel can help raise awareness and assist in readers identifying who needs help. 13 Reasons Why does not encourage teen suicide, but instead encourages others to save a life.

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