Was it a Dream? by Guy de Maupassant Literary Analysis Essay Example

📌Category: Literature
📌Words: 1083
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 24 July 2022

The short story Was it a Dream? by Guy de Maupassant presents the story of a protagonist enduring profound sadness regarding the death of his lover. The death of a loved one has a significant influence on the emotional well-being of individuals close to the deceased. The protagonist's profound sentiments of despair led to understanding his characterization from the reader's perspective. The protagonist faced difficulties moving on because of his strong affection towards his deceased lover. Gothic literature was prominent throughout the novel, helping to create a sense of atmosphere and tone. At the beginning of the story, the tone was affectionate but quickly escalated into a dark tone when the protagonist revealed the death of his lover. In relevance to the short story, the Gothic novel prevails an atmosphere of death, terror, and romance that helps develop the theme and provides a framework for the story. The short story presents the universal truth that humans suffer psychological distress when faced with the loss of a loved one through showcasing aspects of Gothicism. 

The story's protagonist expresses the overwrought emotions regarding the woman's death with whom he had fallen madly in love. The protagonist, faced with the tragedy of his lover's death, expresses sorrow for his deceased lover in the form of a like eulogy, which showcases his deep admiration for her. "For a whole year, I lived on her tenderness, on her caresses in her arms, on her kisses, on her words, so completely wrapped up, bound and absorbed in everything which came from her… And then she died" (Maupassant 7). The protagonist reveals his yearning for his beloved lover by describing her personality while she was present with him. The protagonist exhibits a range of emotions in describing his memories with his beloved lover. The protagonist's emotions play a key role in understanding his characterization by expressing his genuine admiration for his lover in a way that exudes love. The main character says, "so completely wrapped up…in everything which came from her," displaying his attachment and thoughts coming from her that portray her as a key individual in his life. The protagonist then sets a dark tone when he says, "And then she died." This quote developed a change in the story's tone, indicating this is not a story of happiness but rather a story of death and grief. A man mourns the recent death of his beloved lover by the name of Lenore. "And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor. / Eagerly I wished the morrow; – vainly I had sought to borrow / From my books surcease of sorrow – sorrow for the lost Lenore – / For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore" (Poe, lines 8-11).The man in the quote is overwhelmed with grief concerning the death of his lost love. At the beginning of the passage, the man uses the word "ghost," attributing to the elements of Gothicism in setting a dark tone and mood into the poem. Attributing to the emotional pain the man hopes for to end in what he calls "surcease of sorrow." The intense pain is enough for one to handle, so he no longer wants this feeling of pain to continue. He says, "sorrow for the lost Lenore," presenting his emotion of sorrow that is contained within him that is difficult to live by. The man continues to mention the word "sorrow" indicating he suffers  a strong feeling of deep distress that is hard to cope from. The man says, "whom the angels name Lenore," defining that the woman is among the angels and has left him behind, alone. The protagonist visits the cemetery, the location of his lover's burial, and undergoes emotional suffering that he can no longer contain. "She was there, below in the dark depths of the earth! How horrible! I sobbed with my forehead on the ground, and I stopped there for a long time, a long time" (Maupassant 7).The protagonist is conflicted with his emotions, knowing his lover is no longer with him. He says, "below in the dark depths of the earth," referring to his lover being buried into the ground where there is no light but darkness. This phrase sets a powerful connection to Gothicism in which the setting is revealed and the intense emotion of the main character, where he imagines himself in the place of his lover. The protagonist can no longer contain his feelings within himself and says, "I sobbed with my forehead on the ground." He expresses his intense grief and sorrow by sobbing, knowing he will never have his lover back. He makes an effort to feel closer towards his lover by placing his "forehead on the ground" that is above where she is buried and imagining her perspective, "below in the dark depths of the earth." The protagonist uses his imagination to feel connected to his lover through gaining a sense of comfort. Victor is faced with the death of his family members, exhibiting deep grief when taking a visit to the cemetery. "As night approached, I found myself at the entrance of the cemetery…The deep grief this scene had at first excited quickly gave way to rage and despair. They were dead, and I lived…I knelt on the grass, and kissed the earth" (Shelley 213). The setting of the quote is said during the night, presenting an aspect of Gothicism then proceeding to say the "cemetery," which delivers a sense of horror. Victor faces a sense of grief when approaching the tomb, which marks the graves of his family members. He says, "The deep grief," acknowledging his state of emotion when considering that "They were dead, and I lived." He feels guilty for being present on earth rather than dead like his family members. Victor says, "I knelt on the grass, and kissed the earth," which delivers a sense of comfort in making him feel close to his deceased family members. The aspects of Gothicism are present within all texts regarding the mourning of a beloved lover by displaying dark, intense emotions that contribute to the dark tone of the setting. 

In the short story Was it a Dream? the intense emotions of the protagonist, dark atmosphere and the death of the protagonist's lover played a role in revealing Gothic literature. In relation to the protagonist suffering from distress, he faces difficulty overcoming dark emotions that could allow him to go on with his life. ​​In light of the story, a universal truth is displayed to all humans, presenting a better understanding of the text. The short story Was it a Dream? presents the universal truth that humans suffer psychological distress when faced with the loss of a loved one through showcasing aspects of Gothicism. The Gothic novel places a strong emphasis on emotions and involves romance with death. The Gothic literature elements that played a role in the short story conveyed that individuals who deal with the sufferings of a loved one find a way to comfort their emotions.

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