Theme of Destiny in Romeo and Juliet Essay Sample

📌Category: Plays, Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare, Writers
📌Words: 480
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 02 July 2022

William Shakespeare’s tragic play, Romeo and Juliet demonstrates the idea that destiny can interfere with even the strongest love in the most woeful way. The ultimate responsibility for the deaths of the star-crossed lovers falls on Romeo because he was posthaste in love causing him make irrational choices. This theme about destiny is best illustrated through scenes portraying the abrupt way Romeo fell in and out of love, how he wanted to swiftly enhance a relationship with Juliet, and as he made unconscious like decisions.

In the play, Romeo had ‘fallen in love’ with a girl called Rosaline yet, she did not love him back. Later he met Juliet and both fell madly in love with each other ‘love at first sight’.  ¨Women may fall when there’s no strength in men.¨ Here Friar Laurence says that women will not be faithful unless the man reliable. Seeming that Friar Laurence has seen that Romeo is imprudent he says ¨wisely and slow. They stumble that run fast¨ as some sort of foreshadowed warning. Throughout the act Romeo had been very rash and Romeo and Juliet's' love grew into a big flame that becomes stronger consuming and damaging their surrounding. 

Romeo was persistent in seeing Juliet, even if he was a Montague, and she was a Capulet he was eager to make her his bride. When Romeo first laid eyes on Juliet he thought of her as a beautiful maiden and forgot completely of any other feelings. The first thing Romeo did with Juliet was kiss her, and then he continued pursuing her. Juliet was trying to take it slow but Romeo did not allow that for he was swooned by Juliet. Even though Romeo knew most about the possible danger that they will face with them being together yet did not care about the outcome since he was too mesmerized by Juliet's beauty making him act foolish.

Romeo discovered that Juliet was dead he acted disorderly.  He thinks with his heart and not with his mind, he had already decided that he was going to kill himself with his love. Thus, he was baseless; when he saw Juliet he noticed her features lively but through his despair he did not notice. “Beauty’s ensign yet Is crimson in thy lips and in thy cheeks,” Romeo had a fairly hard time thinking, for what he thought was his one true love had just ‘died’. Romeo’s sense of thinking when there are big problems was what pushed the death of both Juliet and Romeo.

Romeo was at fault since the beginning, falling out of love with Rosaline and falling in love with Juliet. Being stubborn and trying to be with Juliet even though he knew about the conscience everything could bring. He also reacted in a disorderly manner when he realized that the girl he had fallen in love with not to long ago had died. Romeo was a fool who gave up to fate even though everything could have turned for the better. Romeo could have been more responsible with every action he took yet, he only thought with his heart.

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