Romeo is to Blame in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet Essay Example

📌Category: Plays, Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare, Writers
📌Words: 555
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 19 July 2022

In the story of Romeo and Juliet, there have been many theories on who is to blame for Romeo and Juliet's deaths. In Romeo and Juliet, both the two teenagers fall in love. Their parents, however, are enemies, and they are unable to marry. To do this, the two teens go behind their parents' backs and do things secretly. This event then leads to the two teens committing suicide. So, who is to blame for the teens' committing suicide? Romeo is the one to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.  

First, in the story, Romeo makes a terrible decision. One way Romeo has been seen making bad decisions in the story is when he meets Juliet. According to the book, Romeo sneaks into the Capulet’s property and kisses Juliet on the balcony all night in Act 2, Scene 2. This was a bad choice because if Romeo hadn’t sneaked back into the Capulet home to make out with Juliet on the balcony, they wouldn’t have fallen in love and had a secret marriage. This evidence supports my thesis because it helps explain why Romeo is to blame for their deaths. If Romeo had chosen to make out with Juliet, they would not have gotten married behind their parents' backs. This is the first reason Romeo is to blame for their deaths.  

Another reason why I believe Romeo is the one to blame is because of parenting. In the story, there is a lot of bad parenting on both sides. Both Romeo and Juliet’s parents are "enemies," meaning they are forbidden from marrying each other, which can lead to things being done behind their backs. In Act 1, Scene 3, Juliet’s mom wants Juliet to marry Paris. This led to Juliet’s death because her mom told her to marry Paris. Juliet’s mom wants her to marry Pairs, so Juliet pretends to be dead. When Romeo finds out, he then kills himself, leading to Juliet's killing herself. This supports my thesis because once Romeo finds out that Juliet’s mom wants her to marry Paris, he then goes out to fight him, leading to Romeo killing him and Juliet afterward. This is another reason why Romeo is to blame for their deaths.  

Lastly, Romeo did not have any luck in the story. In the story, luck was not on Romeo’s side. Unfortunately, he had no luck as a series of unfortunate events occurred to him. In Act 5, scene 2, Romeo is told that Juliet is dead before the message from Friar Lawrence arrives. The message led to Romeo and Juliet’s deaths because the message said that Juliet was dead, and he saw her sleeping and thought she had died and killed herself. This supports my thesis that because of bad luck, Romeo committed suicide and Juliet committed suicide because of him. This is my final reason why Romeo is to blame for the deaths of the two.  

In conclusion, I believe that Romeo is the one to blame for the death of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo's bad choices in the story lead to bad things happening. If Romeo hadn’t decided to break into the Capulets' property and make out with Juliet, they would never have gotten married. Also, bad parenting made both the teens desperate for each other, making them commit because of that. Lastly, Romeo's luck was not the greatest in this story, having received a false letter that made both Romeo and Juliet die because of it. These are my reasons why Romeo is to blame for their deaths.

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