The Tell Tale Heart Insanity Argumentative Essay Sample

📌Category: Edgar Allan Poe, The Tell-Tale Heart, Writers
📌Words: 374
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 24 July 2022

Cutting off limbs, cutting off the head, and arranging the body parts beneath a floorboard, so he sits directly on top of it.  That's insane. Due to the following reasons, I believe the main character of the tell-tale heart is insane:

He cuts limbs, lurks a man in the dark, and sits on a floorboard where the man's body parts are concealed.

For a whole week, he stalks the old man due to the old man's eye. He tracked every single action the old man did in the nighttime and is constantly with the old man. He always declares that I am not insane whenever he does these things. Insane people always try to prove that they are doing the right thing by trying to get rid of things they believe are harmful to the world, but all it does is harm them. The main character of the telltale story was irritated with the eye “ for it was not the old man who vexed me, but his Evil eye.” He believed the eye had done something wrong but no one did anything wrong except for the main character. Without sympathy, he kills the man.

It is a symbol of ruthlessness for the main character to cut the limbs. He believed that cutting the man would ensure he wouldn't be caught. He cuts every single part of the old man's body including the head. As a result, he is insane since he does it without any remorse or sorrow for his actions.

After everything that has happened in that room, he decides to bring officers for a drink. He offers them a seat and places himself directly on top of the old man's remains. By sitting on the old man's remains, the man is clearly confident that he will not get caught

I believe the main character is insane because some people say he was justified and that OCD was making him do it. No, he was never justified to do it. In the text, it says “it is not the man who wronged me but the eye.”This proves that he was obsessed with the eye and nothing else.

My conclusion about the main character being insane is: he stalked the old man for a week, he cut the limbs without remorse, and he sits on the remains of the old man, which I believe is the most sinister act of all.

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