The Sacraments of Initiation Reflective Essay Sample

📌Category: Christianity, Religion
📌Words: 609
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 16 July 2022

In our Faith, there are three sacraments of initiation. They are Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation. Each of these holy sacraments relate to Jesus Christ, the second person in the trinity. Baptism is a sacrament where we become one of God's children through a spiritual rebirth, by doing this we become one step closer to Jesus. We are closer to him because he has cleansed our original sin and we become one of his children. During the sacrament of Eucharist we receive Jesus’ body and blood through bread and wine, making us one with him. By becoming one with him we become more united with him. When we are united with Jesus we are able to deepen our connection with him through prayer. In Confirmation we make a choice, this choice is to become an adult in the church and this shows Jesus that we want our relationship with him to become more mature. Through each of these sacraments we initiate a step toward being closer with Jesus. 

These are probably three of the most crucial sacraments because they not only help us grow as Catholics, but they also help shape the faith community. Baptism helps shape the community because it is bringing more people into our faith. It Initiates them into Catholicism and welcomes them to learn about our teachings. Eucharist also plays an important role in shaping our faith community. When we receive Eucharist we are renewing the gifts we received from God at baptism. It also helps us grow in our faith life. As we all continue to grow in strength and faith, so does the community. Confirmation helps shape the faith community tremendously. We receive the holy spirit which helps us to teach others who want to know more about theology. We become adults in the church, this allows for there to be more knowledgeable people inside of the community. This helps the community grow because we gain the knowledge we need  and the holy spirit. 

These three sacraments have helped me grow in my own faith life and my communal faith life. First, baptism helped me grow in my own faith life because I know that I am welcomed in my cathlioc faith. I know that I am making my relationship closer with God with every step in the right direction since baptism. Because I have been baptized, I have learned how to participate in mass. This helps my communal faith because I know that I am welcomed into mass and other communal services such as adoration. Eucharist helps me with my own faith because I know that I am in union with Jesus’ body and blood. I know why I am receiving the eucharist and the importance that is linked to it.  It helps me with my communal faith because I am able to receive the Eucharist in a mass setting. This allows me to be an even more active participant in the mass. Confirmation has helped me in my own faith because it has given me confidence I feel more mature in my prayer life and in church. I know that I have taken a step towards being closer to jesus. I know that my prayer life has grown through this sacrament, leading me towards the kingdom of God. Confirmation has helped me in my communal prayer life as well. I know that I can teach others about my faith. I know that others in the church who are not yet confirmed may look up to me. I know that I need to set a good example because I am now an adult in the church. All of the sacraments of initiation have had a positive affect on me on a daily basis. I have the gift of grace and the holy spirit with me. Because of this I am able to make good decisions throughout my life which will eventually lead me into the kingdom of heaven.

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