The Role of Competitions in Our Life Essay Sample

📌Category: Behavior, Life, Psychology
📌Words: 361
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 26 July 2022

Competition is one of the most important characteristics of human life. It can happen between friends, co-workers, students, or even siblings. In the past few years, the concept of competition, which has been one of the most crucial behaviors since the starting of human existence, has become a controversial topic. In all likelihood, with its productive side to human work ethics and wining mentality, competition is indispensable part of human behaviors. However, some people think that competition is exhausting concept which is a completely wrong idea.

To start with competitions positive effects on human work-ethics is undeniable. It is a fact that, every person who are in a competitive group will work to be better. To animate with a popular example, in 1990’s Chicago Bulls, every role player or bench player has become better day by day, just playing alongside with Michael Jordan, who was the best basketball player of NBA for 15 consecutive years. After these role and bench players left Chicago Bulls and went to another NBA teams, each of them worked hard to became the best player of their own team. As a result, every one of them turned into basketball superstars.

Secondly, another prominent consequence of tough competition is increase in ambition to win. After a long period of competition each person who has been affected by competition transforms into more wining-centered individuals. When these individuals do or make something, they will try to do or make the best thing they can ever do. In addition, even if they fail, they will do better each time they try.

On the other side of the coin, some think that competition is harmful and even the idea of competition can exhaust people. They claim that human’s nature can not handle competition and after a certain amount of it will hurt humans physically and psychologically. But the most important thing that they misunderstood is competition is inevitable. And it will be in every individuals good to use competitions beneficial sides to be better.

To sum up, competition takes a great place in succession based on what is mentioned. Also it must not be forgotten that competition is a massive component of human life, contrary to the discourse of those who oppose my opinion. It will be more advantageous if each person in a community tries to be better in the boundaries of competition.

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