The Big Picture of Journalism Essay Example

📌Category: Journalism
📌Words: 796
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 19 September 2021

Good journalism is stating the facts and backing it up with evidence, but how much can evidence be stretched when there is a need for a sensational story? Clare Boothe Luce, a politician and journalist was invited to give a speech to her fellow journalists at the Women’s National Press Club on what they can do better themselves as professionals and the company as a whole. She started with an introduction to hook in her audience, hoping they would give her their undivided attention to listen to what she has to say. By challenging the American Press for their integrity, denouncing their wrongdoings, and putting the emphasis on the pursuit of truth, Luce prepares her speech to fellow journalists hoping to get her point across that she wants better for the American Press. 

To begin Her speech Clare Boothe Luce challenges the American Press for their integrity.  At first she reminds them “you have asked me to tell you what's wrong with you the American Press” this will hopefully soften the bomb that she later drops in her speech (Luce 6). As a journalist herself Clare was invited to tell her fellow co-workers of their wrong doings. She is there to challenge them and make them better in ways she believes she can explain how. The issue at hand is quite serious as this is what she states about it, “the subject not only is of great national significance but also has one should say infinite possibilities and infinite perils to the rock thrower” (Luce 7).  She explains the significance of why the American Press should change their ways; she also challenges them to see the widespread possibilities change could bring for the better. Luce had stated what she's there to do and as she went on to challenge their integrity they had to ponder on her upcoming speech on why they need to change their ways. 

After Luce challenges the American Press for their integrity she expresses that good journalism engages good public interest and curiosity not bad ones. Clare went on to say what efficient journalism is all about “on a working finite level it is the effort to achieve illuminating candor in print and to strip away can't” (Luce 27).  Journalism is all about bringing the truth to the public but not when integrity is sacrificed for a sensational story,  the big picture is being withheld from the surface and the public doesn't know any better but the journalists do. They shouldn't be sacrificing anything for a sensational story, which is Luce’s point she wants to get across. She continues on the quest to explain why it matters that they fix what they’re doing wrong “it is the effort to do this not only in matters of state,  diplomacy,  and politics but also in every smaller aspect of life that touches the public interest” (Luce 30).  Journalists have to put in time, research and effort to write up a proper and true story. A story that is published not only affects the people in them, but the readers who are taking in the falsified information. In this Clare wants her fellow colleagues to realize the true potential that their profession can bring and how it can spark good public interest rather than bad. Luce paints a picture of everyone who is involved in making a story happen and how the process should engage proper public curiosity. 

Luce then puts the emphasis on how journalists who pursue the truth rather than a sensational story are providing their audience with honest work and stories. Luce ends her introduction by establishing that even though there is some bad in the American Press there's also some good that comes out of it. When she states the value of truth she expresses that “no audience knows better than an audience of journalists that the pursuit of the truth and the articulation of it, is the most delicate” (Luce 41-43).  This comments on how journalists know better than to not pursue the truth. They themselves are the ones who know how important it is to provide a solid story to the public. However, she also mentions the good work that comes out of the American Press stating “if  there is much that is wrong with the American Press, there is also much that is right with it”(Luce 51-53). Even though She drilled the idea of the American Press doing many things wrong, she also adds that they are doing some things right. By stating that she claims even though she will be challenging their integrity she also thinks they are doing something right.

By challenging the American Press their honest intentions, denouncing their faults and putting the emphasis on truth seeking, Luce is preparing to give her speech to fellow journalists in the hopes to get her point across that she wants better for the American Press. Luce has shown determination in her introduction and has stated her points strongly without backing down. Hopefully, that will be good enough to draw in everyone's attention and help them realize there can be improvements made within the American Press.

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