Symbolism in The Masque of the Red Death Essay Example

📌Category: Edgar Allan Poe, Literature, Writers
📌Words: 347
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 17 July 2022

The short story “The Masque of the Red Death” written by Edgar Allan Poe displays lots of symbolism in the short story. In the story symbolism can be seen through the Ebony Clock, the Masked figure, and the Castle. Through the story each of these play an important role changing how the story plays out and describing the overall theme. As the story progresses the symbols grow deeper with meaning and can be described in many ways. 

In the last room, the Ebony Clock is the constant reminder of death that symbolizes the inevitability of it. The people who attended the party stated that they could not stop its pendulum from swinging. Nor can they stop the ominous tone of the ebony clock from dampening their enjoyment. Even though the people try and act young they will never grow younger, only older. Ring in the last room only becomes closer in their lives.

The Castle represents Prince Prospero’s efforts to prevent death. In the story they describe regardless of wealth, social position, or popularity, death arrives as an uninvited guest. This shows how no one can stop it even if they try to prevent it as long as possible. They try to only invite certain people to the party, having an endless amount of money never change the outcome for Prince Prospero and this guest. Death will always overcome them all.

The Masked figure represents death. As an uninvited guest at the party they all try to run as they are overcome by the figure. After the Masked figure kills Prospero, he's attacked by the others. He then comes to take over the castle and kill the remaining people in it. This was showing how no matter or how hard to try to conquer death, or in this case the figure, death will always find you. 

Even with all the precautions Prince Prospero made to prevent death, he was always surrounded and Prince Prospero will be overcome. Through the Ebony Clock, the Masked figure, and Prospero's Castle shows the story symbolism. It describes the masked figure who has gotten everyone. It did not matter what they look like, how wealthy they are, or how much they try to run from it, displaying that death is inevitable.

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