Significance of the Book Title “Night” Essay Example

📌Category: Books
📌Words: 344
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 10 August 2022

“Night”, written by Eliezer Wiesel, is the true story of what happened in Auschwitz in the holocaust. The story captures the terror and suffering of the Jewish people. People witnessed countless deaths yet no one dared to say a thing in fear of punishment. That’s why originally “Night” was going to be called “And the World Remained Silent”. “Night” is a better title for this book because it describes what they encountered in their fight for survival.

The title “Night” describes the darkness of the events that were witnessed. Jews suffered through gruesome and frightening occasions. They witnessed the deaths of family and others that surround them. The worst part of this is the fear that never seemed to go away.  They feared the authority and the punishments that were handed out. This everlasting fear led their minds to go in a spiral and leaving them mentally insane. 

“Night” isn't all about the darkness around them it's about the darkness inside them. People were driven to insanity all because of their fear. They began to transform into wild animals that were looking for ways of survival. The darkness of their mind and their fear turned them into monsters. These monsters were desperate for survival and they would kill anyone to survive. This darkness didn't only drive them to desperation it drove them to death. 

Jews became tired of surviving and tired of living in a place where everything was dark. They gave up and lost their motivation to stay alive. They ended their lives by succumbing to the selection or succumbing to their starvation. These people lost faith in not only themselves but also in God. God wasn’t helping them even though they kept praying he did nothing.  These people gave up their lives because of fear and the darkness won the overall battle. 

“Night” is the better title compared to “And the World Remained Silent”. “Night” is a name that describes the darkness and terror of this book. “And the World Remained Silent” describes the recurring theme throughout the book. Silence throughout the book is a common theme but it doesn’t describe the events in the book. Therefore “Night” is the better title because it captures the story's overall darkness.

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