Roll Safe in Hood Documentary Essay Example

📌Category: Entertainment, Shows
📌Words: 475
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 30 July 2022

Roll safe was a character Reece simpson played by actor Kayode Ewumi in the webb series Hood Documentary. 

But the meme itself comes from the scene where Roll safe is asked if he likes Rachel another charecter in the series.Too this he replies that he likes her for her brains and then pointing to his head, with this he is refering oral sex while disguising this as to preferin her for being smart.

But the image of him pointing to his head and looking into the camera with a smug look is what the internet would in the near future use as a meme template. The first meme using this image was posted to twitter the well known social media on november 15th 2016 on the @Footyhumor, an account which is based around posting similar content.

The joke which implied that if you got your girlfriend mad at you you could play games for the rest of the night.

This would be the type of joke use with the image. Simply implying that your bad decisions actually are critical thinking.

The meme would gain a lot of traction in the coming months and today is recognised as an iconic meme and was one of the nominees as the meme of the decade. 

But how did Ewumi the man in the image react to being a meme, in the beginning he didn't even know that he had become as big as he had but through twitter and people he knew who kept asking if it really was him in the photo he realized how big it had gotten. While he was happy at the fact that people seemed to enjoy his character more and more he didn't see anything happening on his viewer ships on the show. This made him kind of qounfuzed and also sad since he had gone to university to " tell stories " which he said in the Buzzfeed UK video posted in 2021 titled: " I accidentally became a meme: Roll safe ".

In this video he brings up a lot of his thoughts both around the time around the start of the meme but also what he did with the character "Roll safe".

He goes on to tell us both his favorite moments with the character and that his friend and him would just always roll the camera since he always was able to make a moment out of nothing and prepping a scene wouldn't reach the same level as straight improvement would.

He also talks about how he went on to do more with the character making it ¨seems as though he had a rap career. People loved the " joke rap " and actually believed that Roll safe was a artist on the rise while Ewumi simply was telling a story.

He now gets asked often since he is still in the filming industry if he will ever bring back the character to the big screen which he replies with a no and simply says to watch his newer series that he thinks you would enjoy more.

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