Reflective Essay Example: Diversity and Its Effects on Society

📌Category: Identity, Philosophy, Sociology
📌Words: 528
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 29 July 2022

In a world that is full of judgment, I find it important to be yourself and embrace the characteristics that make each and every individual different. One thing that has always resonated with me is the importance of diversity, whether that being religion, race, age, gender identity, or anything else that sets you apart from others. In short terms, diversity is defined as differences among groups of people and individuals. There are no two people on this earth that are exactly alike; each of us has different qualities that make us unique.

 Diversity is important because it allows us to grow as a society. Being surrounded by a variety of people puts us in situations where we can be positively influenced by different perspectives. While we are all entitled to our own opinion, it is important to learn from others and understand their views on certain topics. We cannot and will not grow as a society if each person thinks and acts alike. Diversity and different opinions are necessary for us to develop and learn. And, even though we may not always agree with others, it is crucial to remain open-minded and to accept that we share different opinions.

In my opinion, the foundation for success lies in understanding and accepting that we live in a diverse world. If we can accept our differences and learn from each other, then we are more likely to thrive in this society. Within each person, there is an array of knowledge. There is not one individual in this world that holds the same knowledge as another. As controversial as this may sound, all of our years of schooling can only get us but so far in the real world. The different classes that we take and our education do not prepare us for the differences that stand among us. It is important to learn from the people around you. In the workplace, we are surrounded by people of all different ages, races, and cultural backgrounds. An establishment cannot be successful if there is not a variety of people with a variety of different opinions and knowledge.

The mere existence of diversity means that we have to understand and recognize that there are differences among us. Our differences make us unique, which makes it that much more important to co-exist with one another and respect one another. With colleges and universities being full of students and staff from all different kinds of backgrounds, it is especially important to me, as a college student, to prioritize learning about and understanding others. I feel as if a community that is full of diversity is much stronger than a community that has no diversity. 

To conclude, it is imperative to understand diversity and the effects that it has on society. Although there are many characteristics that differentiate us from another, it is necessary to respect and value others regardless of those differences. The world is full of diversity and that is one thing that will always remain constant. With that being said, the importance of diversity should be more widely communicated. Diversity is seen in all aspects of life and it is so crucial to value the differences between us. Our differences should be celebrated, as it helps each person learn and grow individually. Wherever diversity lies on your list of importance, you cannot argue with the fact that diversity is, and always will be the root of this nation.

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