Reasons Why Odysseus Is A Hero Essay Example

📌Category: Homer, Odyssey, Poems, Writers
📌Words: 464
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 30 June 2022

In the Epic Poem The Odyssey written by Homer and translated by Robert Fitzgerald discusses the tasks and trials he has to go through to return home, after he fought in the war to retrieve Helen. To be considered a hero, a person must meet many of Cambell’s Journey stages. Odysseus is a hero due to his experience with almost all of the stages of the Hero’s Journey, which include Refusal of Call, Road of Trials, and Ultimate Boon. 

To begin, Odysseus is a hero because he went through the stage Refusal of Return in a Hero's journey. He was informed that he had to go fight for the return of Helen. However, he did not want to leave his family. The author states, “He pretended, therefore, that he had gone mad when a messenger from the Greek army arrived, the King was plowing a field and sowing it with salt instead of seed” (Hamilton, 1969, p. 2). The Refusal of the Call is described as the hero not willing to make changes or leave his normal world usually due to fear. Odysseus was notified that he had to go fight for the return of Helen. However, he did not want to leave his family, so he pretended to be crazy. Next, Odysseus is a hero due to him going through the Hero's Journey stage Road of Trials. To reach home Odyssseus goes through 7 major trials and conflicts to return home. One of the 7 Road of Trials is known as Scylla and Charybdis, the author informs,“That was all, and it brought them round to action. But as I sent them on toward Scylla, I told them nothing, as they could do nothing” (Fitzgerald, 1989, p. 584). The Road of Trials is a key aspect of the Hero’s Journey. Odysseus made the hard decision to move near Scylla and lose 6 men, which was a trial of his perseverance. Finally, Odysseuus qualifies as a hero based on Cambell’s Journey Stages due to him reaching his Ultimate Boon. The author states, “Odysseus has finished telling his story to the Phaeacians. The next day, young Phaeacian noblemen conduct him home by ship. He arrives in Ithaca after an absence of twenty years'' (Fitzgerald, 1989, p. 595). Ultimate boon is described as when the hero gets what he wanted ever since the beginning of their journey. Odysseus’s only goal was to return to his family and home. However, Odysseus still had to fight for his place in his home with his wife.

To conclude, the Epic Poem The Odyssey written by Homer and translated by Robert Fitzgerald is a great example of showing Cambell’s Journey Stages. Odysseus is a great hero due to his experience with Refusal of Call, Road of Trials, and Ultimate Boon. The Odyssey shows what it means to be relentless and to fight for what you want. Many heroes throughout history and literature show what it truly means to be perseverant and to fight for what you believe.

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