The Importance of Imagery in Macbeth Essay Example

📌Category: Macbeth, Plays, William Shakespeare, Writers
📌Words: 683
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 03 July 2022

In the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare, imagery is used to set a tone of passage, contrast to irony scenes, and help to display characters. Shakespeare applies the importance of imagery in the ways of clothing, blood, nature and death to describe his play. Each one of these imagery's are important in the play development. They add to a complete understanding of passage or the play all together.  

To begin, there are several references to clothing imagery throughout the play. Clothing imagery is used to emphasize the conflict between appearance versus reality. in Act 5 the noblemen prepare for the fight against Macbeth when this quote was said: “Hang loose about him, like a giant’s robe upon a dwarfish thief” (Shakespeare 5.2. 21-22). This reference states that his clothes do not fit him, indicating that he is not suitable to lead the country. Clothing can also be used for concealment and deception. After Macbeth murders Duncan, Lady Macbeth suggests the use of clothing to deceive Macduff and Lennox by hiding the truth about their actions and making it seem as though they were in bed and were not part of the killing. “Get on your night-gown, lest occasion call us, and show us to be watchers. Be not lost. So poorly in your thoughts” (Shakespeare 2.2. 70-73) 

In contrast, Macbeth is one of the bloodiest plays he has written; with the single word “blood” used in the text more then 40 times not including ‘bloody’, ‘bleeding’ and so forth. Blood imagery serves as a metaphor for guilt and retribution as well as serves a continual reminder to the audience that Macbeth's reign is drenched in blood. Blood imagery also helps enforce the theme of evil and goes the extra mile to help set the tone of passage throughout the play. One of the most famous quotes from the play that relates to blood imagery is when Lady Macbeth refers to King Duncans blood on her hands when Lady Macbeth yells “Out, damned spot! Out, I say!” (Shakespeare 5.1 34) 

Additionally, Nature plays a key role in Macbeth by foreshadowing upcoming events in the scene. Nature can also be reflected by the power of God; for example, after Macbeth has murdered King Duncan in his sleep, several unnatural events occur such as Duncan horses were to have said broke their stalls and ate each other (Shakespeare 2.4 11-18). The use of nature imagery can also be used to contrast human growth and rise to power. Macbeth used nature imagery in this way by comparing Fleance to a snake that will hurt him in the future. (Shakespeare 3.4 28-30)  

Equally important to our other themes, death is one of my favorites. Death imagery causes The Scottish play to bring out the pain and suffering ultimately causing the audience to become increasingly intrigued with the play. Death imagery can really bring out the truth in the characters in the play as well as examine moral issue such as guilt, retaliation or immoral actions. In Act 1 Lady Macbeth shows that she would take her own child's life to accomplish her goal during the play. The line states ‘I would, while it was smiling at my face, have pluck’d my nipple from his boneless gums, and dash’d its brains out, had I so sworn as you Have done to this.’ (Shakespeare act 1.7 54-59). This became a key turning point in the play as Macbeth surrenders his loyalty to King Duncan to play out his wife's plan to become King and Queen of Scottland 

It is obvious then, that imagery in the forms of clothing, blood, nature and death are important in the play Macbeth. Clothing imagery is used to highlight appearance versus reality, blood imagery helps enforce the theme of evil, nature imagery is reflected by the power of God, and the imagery of death intrigues the audience. Within ‘The Scottish play’, Shakespeare uses imagery over 30 times. Everyone can perceive these imageries differently; we choose to select distinct aspects of a message to focus on what interests us. Someone may notice things others can't. Shakespearian imagery offers such a wide perspective within his plays, which makes the play unique for different people. Therefore, this is why imagery is so important in the play Macbeth. 


"Imagery in Macbeth.", 23 May 2017,, December 2nd, 2021 

‘Imagery in Macbeth.’ 2021, November 30th, 2021 

Shakespeare's. W.S. (1977) Macbeth. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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