Ralph is the Best Leader in Lord of the Flies Essay Example

📌Category: Books, Lord Of The Flies
📌Words: 709
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 16 September 2021

In Golding’s Lord of the Flies, Ralph is an excellent leader because of his efficiency to take initiative. At the beginning of the book when the boys are first on the island Ralph meets Piggy and finds a shell. Piggy immediately recognizes it and tells Ralph what it is. After finding out what it is Ralph is taught how to blow it and proceeds to blow it to assemble all of the boys on the island. “Even while he blew, Ralph noticed the last pair of bodies that reached the platform” (Golding 19). As clearly seen he quickly takes initiative to gather everyone so they are all together. This gathering also allows the boys to be safer since they are all together. After all of the boys are together Ralph hastily pledges the idea of voting for someone to be the chief of the group of boys. He gets up and says, ”Seems to me we ought to have a chief to decide things” (Golding 22). As clearly seen he pledges the idea that is good for everyone because they will not have to argue over things since there is now a chief. When they were all sitting and talking, many of the boys were talking over each other so Ralph pitched the idea of whoever is holding the conch is allowed to speak during the assemblies. Ralph declares that “I’ll give the conch to the next person to speak. He can hold it when he is speaking” (Golding 33). Since Ralph suggested this idea, everyone can get out what they need to say without being talked over. It is also nice because no one will go unheard and everyone’s idea or opinion will be recognized. Ralph distinctly shows his initiative by stepping up and pitching ideas that positively contribute to the group of boys.

In Golding’s Lord of the Flies, Ralph is an excellent leader because of his dedication to everyone being rescued. When the boys first started to settle down, Ralph had the idea of starting a fire as a signal in case anyone could see it. This plan is essential because what other way is there for anyone to see that they are there? As he gets the brilliant idea Ralph blurts out “A fire! Start a fire” (Golding 38). As clearly shown, him wishing to start a fire was one of the first things he would have them all do because of how important it is. Ralph also happens to remind Jack of the importance of being rescued when he is sidetracked on hunting. As Jack seems to get sidetracked, Ralph reminds him that “The best thing we can do is get ourselves rescued. Jack had to think for a moment before he could remember what rescue was” (Golding 53). Although hunting was tempting at the time, Ralph still reminded Jack that keeping the fire lit and being rescued was his and should be everyone's number one priority. Ralph was later very unhappy with Jack when he had his hunters let the fire go out as a ship happened to pass by. In a state of disbelief, “ Ralph ran stumbling along the rocks, saved himself on the edge of the pink cliff, and screamed at the ship. Come back! Come back” In a state of sheer anger “Ralph reached inside himself for the worst word he knew. They let the bloody fire go out” (Golding 68). As seen, Ralph was rather unhappy with them when the ship passed and the fire was not lit. If Jack had not taken the people that were supposed to watch and keep the fire lit hunting and left them by the fire, there is a very high chance that they could have all been rescued then and there because of the ship that passed by. Ralph shows his dedication to being rescued thoroughly throughout the book. 

All things considered, in Golding’s Lord of the Flies, Ralph is an excellent leader because he is able to quickly take initiative and is very dedicated to getting himself alongside everyone else on the island rescued as soon as possible. This is shown when he gathers everyone with the conch and suggests the idea of having a chief. His leadership is also shown when he suggests starting a fire as a signal in case anyone is near so they know that they are on the island. In Lord of the Flies, Ralph’s leadership skills are unmatched. How long would the group of boys last had Ralph not been there to attempt to keep them in place?

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