Racism Against People of African-American Descent Essay Example

📌Category: Racism, Social Issues
📌Words: 763
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 09 September 2021

What is Racism?

Racism is a global issue that roams around the world looking for places to create problems and injustice. Racism is a form of discrimination toward people of color. They get treated differently just because they have a darker skin tone than others. A great example would have to be the George Floyd issue. George Floyd got charged since he allegedly stole $20 out of a convenience store. Once the Police officers arrived, they held him face down and handcuffed him. For nine minutes and twenty-nine seconds until he couldn't breathe anymore. Instead of a hearing in court deciding what happens, he got to deal with the consequences that he didn't even deserve.  

How has this affected their community?

It is unfair that these innocent people have to go through such discrimination daily. Now days people of color are scared to leave their house during the day since they don't know if they're going to get attacked. Imagine your race was getting charged against, and being attacked just because they're a darker skin tone. Innocent people in the world are getting killed for no reason whatsoever. In America, people of color are given up to 10% longer prison sentences than white people or just people that are native to the continent. This is because it is believed that white people are less "likely" to commit a crime rather than black people. But black people are scarier and just are more likely to commit crimes.

The stages of Racism

Racism begins as just dividing people due to the color of their skin. Which is just one of the hundreds of ways of racism. Then it leads to attacking people because they have a family that has a darker skin tone than others. People aren't very accepting of other cultures and races. It leads to Being attacked by the police and framed for crimes not committed by whoever is getting framed. It is unacceptable. John Casor lost a case in 1654/55, the case was for his work. He thinks he completed the time mentioned in the contract. Since he lost the case, he is now the first-ever known black slave known to this day. "No white citizen would have to go through half as much trouble as a black slave." stated an unknown civilian.

The Power white people hold

White people hold so much power not only towards black people but every race too. They hold their future in the palm of their hand as a judge. White people are more believed throughout society since they are less likely to commit a crime as mentioned before. When a white person spots a black person on the streets, homeless for example. They could choose to give them some money. Even if some kind of people gives them some facilities, it is known that it takes an average of two to three years for a black person to gather enough money as they need. If there was a white person in their shoes, they would gather as much money as they need in about a year or a year and a half. White people could choose to give them a dollar, food, or at most a shelter to live in for a while. But they just ignore them. Leave them like they were never even there.

How has this affected America?

America was known as a really lively and happy place to be when this issue wasn't as big as it was today. Now people of color are scared to leave their house for adventures since they know that someone will judge them. Maybe even think they're thieves or robbers and call the cops on them. People misunderstand black people thinking they are harmful and will hurt people. The USA in general is getting really bad influences from other countries experiencing such insane events. These have led to Asian hate crimes as well. Both are just as harmful and not ideal for a well-known country such as the USA itself. In America, there are about 8000 hate crimes per day. About 500-1000 of them are Racism issues. Or just issues quite similar to this situation.

How did Racism begin?

Racism began around WW2 when Hitler started dividing people from how dark their skin tone is, their looks, etc. At that time everyone cherished Hitler so everyone believed and copied what he did for a living. The reason they were divided was so he could sort out people as his slaves. This leads to a terrible amount of poverty. Studies show more than half of people that are homeless to this day, are people of color. Yet, no one chooses to help them. 


Injustice towards people of color must be stopped. It is childish and absurd. People of color are often discriminated against when it comes to decisions and divisions. Black people just deal with the consequences since apparently, they're scarier than a normal citizen. Overall black discrimination should be will stop.

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