Pros and Cons of Youth Sports Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Child development, Psychology, Sports
đź“ŚWords: 415
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 01 August 2022

Did you ever wonder how kids' futures can be altered by youth sports and the new characteristics it could bring out at a young age? This informational essay will give different visions of the good, the bad, the in-between, and what you do unintentionally to cause the bad in youth sports.

A study shows that 97% of kids that play sports graduated high school 10% higher than students who never participated in sports.

Sports could also increase blood flow in the brain which can stimulate endorphins.

Endorphins can help them in the classroom such as effective problem solving and more creativity, this could get them a higher grade than normal kids. Sports can teach kids how to problem solve and how to get along with their teammates.

Sports unintentionally teach kids to appreciate each team member even if they are not as good as the rest.

Kids that participate in sports have a better way of communicating in the game by giving each other verbal and nonverbal clues as to what the teammates need to do in the game. The author of “Coaching Girls BasketBall Successfully” told the girls to seek feedback from their coach, classmates, and teachers. Sports have fast thinking qualities which teaches kids how to make smart and effective decisions in an instant.After a while of specializing in a sport for so long is that you will possibly be injured because of overuse of a certain muscle and will affect their future and the qualities of their physical health. 

Decision making can help kick in an instinct to win or you lose which could help them never give up on what they are doing whether they are tired or not.

Sports can put pressure and stress on kids and after a while not be fun any more because the kids are pressured to play more competitive sports rather than with their friends.For this reason most kids do not find the sport fun and in essence will stop playing the sports and will quit.

Sometimes parents get involved with the coaches and the coaches bench the kids quit mostly due to the playing time .Kids want to play the sports and end up quitting because the coaches value winning over learning.This can cause many kids to get discouraged and affect their self esteem and mental health.If the kid is not having fun they will want to quit since that is the reason kids play video games so much.

In essence participants in youth sports futures can be altered by youth sports and develop new positive and negative physical and mental characteristics at an incredibly young age and that is why youth sports could be positive and negative at the same time.

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