Gender in The Rainbow by D. H. Lawrence

đź“ŚCategory: Books, Literature
đź“ŚWords: 436
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 20 May 2021

DH Lawrence's novel The Rainbow is showing the different points of view of the women and the men, while the woman is fascinated with trying to explore the outside world which she has never experienced the man wanted to stay in the walls of the farm. 

The woman wants to learn more about the unknown and not be confined to the farm anymore. The author was showing the difference between the perspective of men and women. The woman is portrayed as a character that wants more in life than what she has. The character proceeds as someone who wants to leave escape like they have been imprisoned here. The woman: wanted another form of life” having completely different desires, she wanted another life see things she hasn’t seen before. “She stood to see the far off” the women wanted more not just the farm but to look beyond the outside world. The men had a different view, he saw the farm as enough, he was perfectly happy with their way of life, the men thought “ they lived full and surcharged,” and felt “ So much warmth” he was satisfied with the surrounding nature, living a happy good life. 

The novel shows a detailed and deep view of how the man feels. The reader wrote it in the third person but in a way where the reader can tell exactly how the men would describe the farm. The dictions of the women and men are two completely different, the men use words such as "dazed with looking towards the source of generation", "earth and sky and beast and green plants, so much exchange and interchange". While the women wanted, "another form of life than this, something that was not blood-intimacy",  she talks about wanting more than this. "Secrets were made known and desires fulfilled" and talks about the outside world like a "magic" land she wants freedom from the farm and wants to escape to an unknown world. 

The men looked for happiness inside while the women looked out and beyond the world, she was confined to. The author is not describing men as having good and women as bad views, he is showing the different opinions of the characters. The man is happy and content with his way of life on his little farm while the woman wants to experience more than life at the farm, the outside. The last paragraph shows the women's opinion about her husband and the vicar. Who had completely different lifestyles. It shows the distinction between the two men. the sole power her husband holds is over the cattle whereas the vicar holds power over him. This contrast between the two men is showing what the women want. She holds the vicar to awfully high regard while she sees her husband in a low way.

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