Essay Sample on Tulsa Massacre

📌Category: History, History of the United States
📌Words: 474
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 09 August 2022

Ever since the Tulsa massacre happened on May 31, 1921, and ended on June 1, 1921, the Tulsa massacre lay hidden for decades. The reason why the Tulsa massacre was hidden for decades is, because the massacre was touched on a racist rampage. The reason for this is, because a black man allegedly assaulted a white girl, and was held in Tulsa city Jail. A group of African Americans, who were soldiers, who fought in World War1, rushed over to help guard the young man. The other reason for the Tulsa massacre being hidden is, because the law enforcements rounded up the surviving thousands, and forced them into a hastily arranged internment camp, as the bodies of over three hundred people were dumped in unmarked graves. Also, key documents were destroyed, and it became something of a taboo subject in Tulsa. The silencing and denial were profoundly harmful, preventing healing or holding those who did wrong to account.

The reason why Tuscans like Chief Amusan consider it important to form an oversight committee for investigation into the massacre is, because even though the massacre was a century ago, the government had something to do with the Tulsa massacre. Also, in the text it states, that “The city faced a conflict of interest because, though the massacre occurred nearly a century ago, the city government was part of the crime.” This proves that Chief Amusan considers it important to form an oversight committee for investigation, because the Chief does not care that the Tulsa massacre happened centuries ago. Furthermore, the Chief cares about the situation, and wants to punish those who were involved in a petrifying way. Also, Chief Amusan considers it important to form an oversight committee, because the Tulsa massacre has been hidden from history for decades and everyone should know about it. He wants to figure out who was involved with the situation, because they are looking for the crime, and when there is a crime there is always a criminal. Chief also wants to do this, because when they investigate the Tulsa massacre they may turn up something, and find out who was involved.

The article is telling me about the ongoing impact of the Tulsa massacre, that many people had no idea about this, and how this could have been hidden from history. Many people have found out about the massacre, and are digging deeper into the situation. Also, many are investigating the massacre, and why many people did not know about it, and why it was hidden. This topic has impacted many people by being scared or shocked about the Tulsa massacre. Many people may go to jail for the Tulsa massacre for what they did. Many people are forming oversight committees to find out what happened, and what they did. This also has made a huge segment in African American communities.

I guess that many people that were involved with the massacre will go to jail. This will also make many people less afraid to talk about the topic. Furthermore, this might allow America to figure out history.

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