Essay Example about Thea Bowman

📌Category: Historical Figures, History
📌Words: 505
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 08 August 2022

Thea Bowman was born December 29th 1937 in Yazoo City Mississippi. Thea was a Protestant until age nine when she asked her parents if she could become catholic. Sister Thea had shared the message of gods love through a teaching career. After 16 years of teaching at the elementary school, secondary school and university level. In 1984 Sister Thea was told he or she had a disease named breast cancer. She prayed "to live until I die". Her prayer was answered Thea lived a full life. She fought for God and god's people until her death in 1990. 

Thea was raised in a Methodist home but which her parents permission. She joined the Franciscan sister of constant deep love at La Corsse, Wisconsin at age 15. Ms.Bowman attended Viterbo University run by her crowd and earned a B.A in English in 1965. She went on to attend the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. Bowman taught at a high school in Canton, Mississippi. As well as at Xavier University in New Orleans, Louisiana. Thea was gifted with a brilliant mind, a beautiful voice and an energetic personality. 

Bowman became useful in the 1987 book of a new Catholic book of religious songs, "lead me, guide me: the African American Catholic Book of religious songs, the first such work directed at the black community. Thea was actively involved in selecting religious songs to be included. The Book of religious songs includes her titled "the gift of African American holy and untouchable song." Her 1988 collections of books for inserting pictures, Songs of My People and 'Round the Glory manger, released on stereo audiocassette by the daughters of St.Paul. They were re-released in 2020 for the 30th celebration of bowman's death under the title. 

The supervisor of several churches of Jackson, Mississippi invited Bowman to become a consultant for intercultural knowing for the land area under the rule of a bishop. She then became more directly involved with the ministry to her fellow African-Americans. She then gave causing an excited desire to do something big talks to the black crowds and found a huge result by the people to whom she spoke too. She had brought her Ministry of joy to everyone from Nigeria and Kenya to Canada from Hawaii to New York. She called on Catholics to celebrate their differences and to hold their cultures. In 1989 shortly before her death, in recognition of her work that's done to the service of the church, she was awarded an honorary college degree of doctor in Religion by Boston College. 

Bowman spoke to the United States Conference of Catholic supervisors of several churches in 1989 from her wheelchair. The supervisors of several churches were powerfully and visibly moved, supported her. Bowman became useful in the 1987 book of a new Catholic book of religious songs. In a book written by Victor M. Parachin, a deep thinking teacher, notes bowman's effect upon Catholic religious music in providing a thinking-related however the soul cultural foundation for developing a clear worship form for black Catholics. Thea Bowman was invited to become a consultant for intercultural knowing for his land area under the rule of a bishop. While an appearance on the show 60 minutes with Mike Wallace she encouraged him into saying black is beautiful.

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