Essay Sample on Macbeth vs. Fate and Freewill

📌Category: Macbeth, Plays
📌Words: 357
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 30 June 2022

The dagger represents Macbeths fate vs. freewill because Macbeth had a choice to take his fate into his hands or let his life take its path. In the play Shakespeare shows the dagger as the bloody course which Macbeth is about to undertake and the choice he is making. This shows Macbeths thought process before killing Duncan and decision to go down the path of murder. Macbeth chose to take his fate into his hands, Lady Macbeth and the dagger pushed Macbeth to kill Duncan. 

“The handle towards my hand? Come let me clutch thee.” (Shakespeare 2.1.45-46). In these lines Macbeth is questioning his choices that he has in front of him represented as the dagger. This beginning part of the scene is showing Macbeths judgment in each decision he could be making. Macbeth is changing his mind back a forth between decision’s. The Weird Sister’s give him this prediction of his fate and he is making this decision to be in control over his fate or letting it take it’s own path. Macbeth is questioning if he wants to go with the flow or take a stance in his future. Macbeth is wondering if he can handle this on his own or with Lady Macbeth. 

“Gouts of blood, Which was not so before.” (2.1.58-59). When Macbeth says this he is saying that he didn’t have these thoughts before. The Werid Sister’s told him his prophecy and Macbeth thought about murder but he still didn’t want to go through with it. Lady Macbeth put more thoughts into his head which lead him to this scene and this thought process. Macbeth is wondering why he has this thought into his head and why is he wanting to do this. What is his motive? Macbeth is wondering what lead him into this state of mind.

Throughout this scene Macbeth is questioning if he should kill Duncan or not but Lady Macbeth and this dagger push him to kill Duncan. Macbeth contimplates what he wants to do to end up with the fate the Weird Sister’s give him. He comes to the conclusion to kill Duncan and Macbeth does chose to go down the path of murder to get what he wants. Therefore, Macbeth chooses freewill over fate because he makes his prophecy come true on his own.

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