Pygmalion Literary Criticism Essay Example

📌Category: Plays
📌Words: 453
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 23 July 2022

George Bernard Shaw's play Pygmalion is an excellent example of feminist criticism. Throughout the play, we notice male dominance over women, since the men in Eliza’s life were dominant over her throughout the whole play, affecting her way of life and making her dependent on them. Reading the play through a feminist lens reveals that it is also about twisted expectations and contradicting and oppressive perspectives on women's roles. Shaw highlighted how being a lady changed how you were perceived throughout the Victorian era, and women were expected to act in a certain manner–the stereotypical ladylike way.

Act I starts the play starts with Freddy’s mother and sister relying on Freddy to find them a cab and dramatizing the situation when he fails to do so, making the women look helpless and distressed. Shaw creates the male characters to appear more intelligent and capable than the female characters. Freddy's mother then forgives the note taker's (Professor Henry Higgins) comments when he finds them a cab and says, "We should be so grateful to you sir..." (34) and praises him for a simple task, though they both belong to the same high-class society.

Higgins has won his bet and ignores Eliza later in the play, in Act 4. He only acknowledges her when Higgins needs his slippers at home. Eliza finally demonstrates control when she stands up to Higgins, gets her revenge, and throws his slippers at Higgins causing him to lose his composure. Eliza is “thrilling with hidden joy” and says “I’m glad. I’ve got a little of my own back, anyhow” (155).  Higgins has taken advantage of and continues to use Eliza for his benefit without considering her feelings, demonstrating male superiority over females once more. 

Like act 4, the final act features a lot of female domination. Eliza has moved on from Pickering and Higgins no longer relies on them and demonstrates independence and confidence. Higgins responds to Eliza, “Five minutes ago you were like a millstone round my neck. Now you’re a tower of strength: a consort battleship” (202). Higgins still needs Eliza, relies on her for all his wants, even though he has Mrs. Pearce. With Eliza and Mrs. Higgins standing up to the men's demands that Eliza should come back to Higgins' house, the women have taken control.

George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion is a great example of feminist criticism in literature. We observe male domination over females throughout the play, as well as how women were perceived and treated in Victorian England if they did not have the usual "ladylike" appearance or behavior. Yet, in the end, Eliza had proven to be independent and made her own decisions, demonstrating that she was no longer reliant on Higgins and Pickering. She was in control and decided to marry Freddy and not stay at Higgins’ house. The play ends with the roles reversed, with the men in need of Eliza and Eliza in control of the situation in her life.

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