Essay Sample on Benefits of Planning

📌Category: Philosophy, Success
📌Words: 651
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 20 July 2022

Einstein once said ‘’if ı had 60 mins ı would use 55 mins for planning and rest 5 for action.’’ Just like he said, before taking an action a man must plan for it if he wants to succeed. However, it is a significant affair that cannot be understood by ignoring the facts about it. In order to be able to internalize the benefits of planning in the way of success, mankind should ask themselves how the planning does assist one’s goal, how does it alleviate their burden in the way of success and what are the earnings from it. Therefore, humanity should be required to learn the profits of planning and the ravages of actions that are not planned because they will be benefited in three areas increasing productivity and happiness, managing stress, saving time in this way.

In the seeking of success, planning is one's greatest comrade in terms of saving time. Firstly, planning prevents us from distractions in the grueling way of pursuing our goals. Almost everyone who takes a risk in a job gives up when they face a difficulty whereas increased and sustained effort is the thing necessary. Moreover, a nice, prepared plan also keeps someone on their way rather than doing things spontaneously which is a saving way of time because when one does things spontaneously, he/she cannot know if it is true or not. Another benefit provided by planning in terms of saving time is when a certain deadline is given by a manager or teacher planning does help you a lot because instead of doing things randomly you may put them into an order and eliminate the task one by one rather than striving all of them at once. Then, in a project like building a skyscraper even before you start it the cost of it, the time when it can be finished, what is necessary to build it can be planned which fastens things essentially it is not possible to do a job like this without a plan. Finally, applying a plan brings success faster since the workings are done coordinated and focused on a specific target. According to research 9 people become successful out of 10 because of fitting and following the plan so planning not only saves time but also brings success.

Increasing productivity and happiness is another benefit of planning for those who lack motivation while working due to the reasons of failures. Planning does show your progress up to the current time, which ways you have chosen, when and why did you fail on the other hand this may also help you not to repeat the same mistakes. Therefore, one who does a plan would be more motivated and focused on the conclusion. Similar to increasing productivity planning also boosts your happiness only by looking at schedules you have prepared for a summer vacation you can be happy. Moreover, with the help of a sustained habit of planning also helps you to put your life on its rail by achieving each target you get happier, the more you become successful the more you are happy.

Finally, having plans in your life protects you from stressful events that may impact you badly in an unwanted time. Precisely, when you come across something that happened abruptly, someone died in front of you just before 10 minutes away from your university exam what can you do? Someone who planned the things and did not take a risk to go to an exam at an inappropriate time would not be stressed like the one who has no time. Furthermore, even if risks and uncertainty of upcoming events having a plan do help you to handle it rather than seeing it at the first hand by planning you have already found the solutions for it this benefit of planning is the best for managers and companies.

Increasing productivity and happiness, managing stress, saving time are the benefits of planning this is why humans need to be required to learn the benefits of planning and the demolition of actions that are not planned. Those who are in doubt of the benefits of planning should ask successful people like Elon Musk how he reached the place where he is.

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