Essay Sample on Animal Welfare

đź“ŚCategory: Animals, Business, Environment, Farming
đź“ŚWords: 941
đź“ŚPages: 4
đź“ŚPublished: 11 July 2022

As a farmer, Local sustainability is the most responsible system because they treat animals with care, and the quality of what the factories are slaughtering is in a good condition. As well as not using artificial pesticides in the meals. Animal Welfare has a positive impact on animals, they are well cared for as they are able to eat and  treated kindly and get to live outside and are able to be free and not contract. Also, Local sustainable is also the best way for people to get food because of its health benefits and the animals' environment. First off, I will  be explaining how animals were treated, as well as how they were produced healthy with no harm or synthetics.  

Animal Welfare has a positive impact on animals, they are treated kindly and get to live outside and are able to be free and not compact. As well as it is priced good and nothing is added to the animals to make it taste different. The text states, ““But when you know that some eggs are not only tastier, but also healthier to eat, then a dollar extra for a dozen seems like a bargain. When people know about their food, they start considering quality and not just price.” (pg.216)   In other words, this quote is stating how the quality of the meal is good and it’s price is the perfect amount. Through this, one can see that with local sustainable, it has a great affect on how animals are being treated, because they are left to be free and then slaughter not in the most horrific way hence the cost is a good price. The author also writes, “There Are No Pesticides,no artificial fertilizer, no pollution, and no extra waste” (173) This, explaining that the animals are not being injected with poison such as pesticides and are not using any fake ingredients to make the food better. This quote highlights that with local sustainability, no synthetics are used in any specific way and the animals are treated kindly with care and are healthy to eat. ANimal Welfare emphatically affects creatures, they are dealt with generously and get to live outside and can be free and not conservative. Just as it is evaluated great and nothing is added in the animals to make it taste unique. 

Secondly, local sustainable is also the best way for people to get food because of its accessibility and from it tasting good, which people will mostly buy. Text states, “”Whenever I hear people say clean food is expensive,I tell them it’s actually the cheapest food you can buy”. In other words, this quote is expressing the fact that usually the price of local sustainable food is not too expensive nor too cheap where people can actually afford the food.  Through this, one can see that local sustainability is a great way for people to buy food since it is really easy to get. Omnivores dilemma says, “”Getting their food from Polyface lets them feel connected to their food--these customers know exactly where their food comes from. Plus, they think it tastes better” Thus, Showing that  customers can connect with the food and it has great taste. This quote highlights that Local sustainability mostly has what customers usually want and that is a way for other customers to really dive into their food.  Local sustainable is likewise the most ideal way for individuals to get food due to its availability and from it tasting great, which individuals will generally purchase.

Local sustainability also is not good at serving people because of its accessibility as well as cost. But The reason why local sustainability is most responsible is because they treat their animals with freedom to run around and not be in a space that is comforting .

The book states, ““These people were paying a higher price for Polyface food, and in many cases driving more than an hour to get it.” In other words, even though local sustainable accessibility is not very close for people as well as how expensive it is  . Through this, one can see that this system may not be an  factor for people because it is not as accessible as others and what amongst the money they are, but at least the Animal Welfare is a positive impact on animals being water for food. It also says, “”Whenever I hear people say clean food is expensive,I tell them it’s actually the cheapest food you can buy”. Thus, explaining how  the food from local sustainability  actually are clean and are not as expensive as others think. This quote highlights that The reason behind why local sustainability is most mindful is on the grounds that they treat their creatures with the opportunity to go around and not be in a space that is soothing . Neighborhood manageability additionally isn't great at serving individuals on account of its openness just as cost. However, The justification for why nearby maintainability is most capable is on the grounds that they treat their creatures with the opportunity to go around and not be in a space that is ameliorating .  In any case, The support for why local sustainability is most trustworthy is because they treat their animals with freedom to go around and not be in a space that is improving

As a farmer of the local sustainability, I believe that it is the most responsible system due to the fact that animals are treated with kindness as well as it is healthy for you and the environment the animals are living in. Animals are treated fairly unlike other systems. they are able to eat and be outside before they get killed. As I mentioned, animals are also slaughtered in a way that does not hurt them. ANd the health benefit are very good as well as how animals are living in those conditions. To conclude, local sustainable is the most responsible food system for its healthy lifestyle, the environment that is safe for the animals.

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