Essay Sample about The Old Lady Killer

📌Category: Crime
📌Words: 720
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 02 July 2022

Jose Antonio Rodriguez Vega, also known as the Old Lady Killer. Was an increasingly famous killer between the time of 1977-1988, with around 16 known victims. With that being said it was a previous problem in the past. His infamous lying, only to tell what he felt the need to share, the possibility of there being other victims is quite possible.  Upon researching behind the man of Jose Rodgriguez Antonio Vega, there were clear signs his past experiences affected how he killed and why. He was raped at the age of 8, abused but alcoholic parents, and had trauma/mental health issues that weren’t being dealt with. His Death was Unjustified. 

The father of Rodriguez Vega was rumored to have poisoned his grandmother; his brother and father were violent alcoholics; and his mother was aggressive, domineering, and violent. Rodriguez Vega was a teenager when the family started to collapse. Born in Santander, Spain in 1957. Rodriguez Vega was being molested at the age of eight by a widow whom he had considered a friend. He then developed compulsions to masturbate. At the age of 12, he developed sexual interests in his mother. In addition to his violent tendencies, Rodriguez Vega had also been thrown out of the family home after throwing his wheelchair-bound father to the ground. His marriage turned sour because of his jealousy and constant arguments about their sex life. Both families disapproved of their relationship, so he married despite their disapproval.

 Within the year 1978, Rodriguez Vega was captured for assaulting two ladies and attempting to assault three others. He was sentenced to 27 years a long time for the violations and claimed that he was bored at the time. Rodriguez Vega composed to his victims and asked them for forgiveness, and his mother also wrote to them for his sake. Giving invalidation, which at the time was permitted. All but one concurred to diminish his sentence, and he was discharged after serving eight years. His spouse separated him and moved out of town the year sometime recently he was discharged. Upon being discharged in 1986, Rodriguez Vega promptly started a relationship with another lady and attempted to move back into the family home. Rodriguez Vega never forgave his mother for not letting him wed a lady he wasn't married to, that was the most reason for his killings of old ladies.

Rodrguez Vega's to begin with casualty was Victoria Rodrguez, a 61-year-old prostitute with whom he had a visit sexual experience. They were talking after sex when he felt the urge to cover her nose and mouth with his hands until she passed on of suffocation, which he did. All of his past killings, who were all assaulted and murdered in the same way, were pre-planned and handpicked. They were all single women who had either contracted him to do development work in their homes or were tricked into letting him in by a pretense. These bodies were not found until a few days after they had been murdered in a few cases. Indeed, even though a clinic staff cautioned specialists and the press that three of the dead women had pelvic wounds, the passing’s were due to normal causes and not examined, despite the fears of a few relatives and the casualties being found battered and without clothing. A case involving the murder of Julia Paz Fernández in Muriedas was handed over to the Spanish Civil Guard rather than the police when Rodrguez Vega killed her on April 19, 1988. Paz had just hired Rodriguez Vega to reinforce her entry door, and he had been convicted of rape when the Civil Guard discovered this midway through its investigation.

Their concerns were reported to the cops, who found that two other recently deceased women had their doors secured just before they died. In his confessions, Rodrguez Vega admitted to killing nine women as mother's and grandmother's substitute. Despite this, a search of his leased property uncovered a large room painted red with 30-40 objects. After the things were broadcast on TV, some of the nine ladies' relatives recognized some of them, and seven other family members recognized others as well. Around 10% of the items were unclaimed, revealing the presence of further victims. Rodrguez Vega was sentenced to 440 years in prison in 1991, while he was only allowed to spend 30 years under the rules. He gave countless interviews while incarcerated. This, combined with his close contact with the guards, made him unpopular among the other convicts, prompting him to switch prisons regularly. He was fatally stabbed 113 times by two convicts who claimed he was a snitch on October 24, 2002, when he was 44.

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