Elatsoe by Darcie Little Badger Book Analysis Essay Sample

📌Category: Books
📌Words: 512
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 29 June 2022

Imagine if you lived your life, died, and expected to have a normal afterlife. Suddenly, you feel your soul getting pulled up in a jerking feeling. You're up on the surface again, but how? Elatsoe, by darcie little badger is a fantasy fiction book with magic and racism and mystery and…. More magic. Although the book has been released only recently, it's gained good popularity and scaled well. This means, with almost any reasonable book, people want to make money off of it. A well known example of this is Harry potter. People made so many shirts and figures and an entire illumination exhibit, and movies. Movies and shows are what I want to mention here, because I think that Elatsoe would not make a good movie or show.

First of all, elatsoe as a show or movie (i'll just call it an MS for movie/show) wouldn't convey the same message as the book. Elatsoe is a great book, don't get me wrong, but it conveys a certain message. It shows us the ways of the book, which I can't reveal right now because of spoilers, but an MS would do something different. MS’s tell a story in a different way than a book. It becomes slightly faster, more appealing, skipping over some small parts like thinking (i'll get more on that later) that may convey a completely different message or just remove the message altogether. Doing so, there's a greater chance for this to get worse reviews and it would flop. 

Second of all, this book would be short as an MS. A lot of the time spent in Elatsoe is thinking about actions, narrating in one's head, seeing a perspective. MS producers want the watchers to figure out the thoughts of the characters, so often they don't include a narration of the thoughts and skip over it. This MS, just like Ellie herself, would be way too short. I doubt this MS would go past 50 mins for a movie and assuming there would be 10 episodes, 5 mins per episode. 

Another reason why elatsoe would be a bad MS is because hollywood and other movie producers (let's call them HMP’s for hollywood/movie producers) could mess up the plot to appeal to the general public. We've all seen it happen-a good movie or book gets remade into a worse movie. Generally, HMP’s will soften the plot to make it suitable for kids, or mess up more details for revenue. Even worse, animated movies, despite a lot of outliers, a lot of the time are oversimplified drawings to appeal more to the audience. This would be even worse for an MS because elatsoe is supposed to be flavorful and vivid, not bland and simple. With less reviews, workers get less pay and in turn work less and kill the movie altogether. 

Overall, elatsoe wouldn't be a good MS. it wouldn't be long enough to watch for a full experience, HMP’s would make the MS worse than it needs to be, it would convey a different plot view, and so on. Think about netflix, only some of the best MS’s get on because of how big the company is, would it get on? Would it even get on Hulu, disney+, and so on? That's for you to decide if you read the book.

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