Dimmesdale Is a Villain in The Scarlet Letter Essay Sample

📌Category: Books, Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter
📌Words: 464
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 02 July 2022

Throughout the novel, Chillingworth has figured out that Dimmesdale, the young minister, is Hester's secret lover. Hester’s husband is Chillingworth by marriage, but Dimmesdale and Hester had an affair in which Pearl was conceived. Dimmesdale is a worse sinner than Chillingworth, because he has no responsibility and doesn't take action by owning up to his own sin. Also,  he is a coward and keeps the secret. Dimmesdale would punish himself by whipping himself in the back, while preaching the importance of forgiveness. He portrayed a false image of what a young minister ought to be. Ministers are supposed to let their actions reflect their speech. 

Even though Chillingworth has been manipulating Dimmesdale and trying to get him to come out and tell the town that he is Pearl's father. The manipulation and blackmail took a huge toll on Dimmesdale. He is a people person and doesn't want the people in the town to hate him, so he made Hester go through the pain of childbirth and being a single parent by herself. Personally, I know some single parents who have to let their midnight oil burn to barely make ends meet. I see the challenges that come forth and how much they have to work through to end up having a semi-normal home life. Every child longs to have a home with both parents present, for it makes a difference in the child growing up. 

In the novel it states that yet Dimmesdale would perhaps have seen this individual's character more perfectly, if a certain morbidness, to which sick hearts are liable, had not rendered him suspicious of all mankind. Trusting no man as his friend, he could not recognize his enemy when the latter actually appeared. This to me is textual evidence describing how warped and multiple personalities he had been able to portray as psychopath. In previous documentaries of psychopaths, I can make connections and see similar characteristics of which Dimmesdale puts forth. To many people psychopaths appear normal, but internally they are battling a disease which needs proper treatment.

Dimmesdale wanted to maintain social order and have approval from the public eye. He became so selfish and inconsiderate of others around him. He was so self centered that he didn’t want to come to the town. He saved himself by lying throughout the whole novel until he died,  due to not owning up to committing adultery. He and Hester would meet in the forest where no one could find out what they were talking about. This shows secrecy and if it has to be hidden it is not right. Dimmesdale didn't realize what he was doing to Hester or Pearl by not being involved in the family. The negative impact by him not being present and involved in the day to day made a significant impact, and took a toll emotionally on Hester which Pearl noticed. This evidence from the novel The Scarlet Letter supports my reasoning and opinion on why Dimmesdale is the greater moral villain than Chillingworth.

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