Designer Babies Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Biology, Genetics, Science, Technology
đź“ŚWords: 591
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 06 May 2021

Would you rather live in a world with people with fewer criminals and have fewer people with fatal genetic disorders? Or a world with more bad people and more people with a genetic disorder that could have been prevented. Designer babies “is a baby genetically engineered in vitro for specially selected traits, which can vary from lowered disease-risk to gender selection.”( Ly, Sarah). Designer babies have been given a bad reputation over the years even though there are many advantages to them. Designer babies may be able to live a healthier life and research on Designer babies helps us have more knowledge on genetic defects in people. They are not as unethical as you think. Having better acting people. Designer babies have more advantages than disadvantages.

Designer babies had diseases that were prevented or cured well still being an embryo. Most of the cases of designer babies released to the public were to screen for medical conditions and cure them. For example, “researchers at the Reproductive Genetics Institute in Chicago, Illinois, used genetic screening to select an embryo without the marker for Fanconi anemia”.(Gale in context).Without them scanning the embryos a child could have had Fanconi Anemia which is “A rare inherited disorder in which the bone marrow does not make enough blood cells, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.”( NCI Dictionary). The research of designer babies leads us to more advanced knowledge on genetic defects. Which can help people wanting children to prevent miscarriages and know if they will be raising a child with a genetic disease.

The definition of unethical is “not conforming to a high moral standard: morally wrong: not ethical Illegal and unethical business practices immoral and unethical behavior” (The Merriam-Webster). Designer babies were “The Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs released a statement in 1994 in support of using the genetic selection as a means to prevent, cure or specific diseases, but that selection based on benign characteristics was not ethical.”( Ly, Sarah). So, saying all cases of designer babies are unethical isn’t true. Now, it is morally wrong to change their looks, but it would also be morally wrong to let a baby live with a genetic disease that could have been prevented. We should allow parents to be able to screen embryos for genetic diseases without it being illegal. Changing a baby’s personality and characteristics as an embryo is unethical. But again, genetic babies are more than just changing a child's looks and, in the end, would you rather have rich people who look and act alike but are all healthy or have everybody look different and have medical defects that could have been prevented.

In genetically modifying an embryo you can influence certain traits and personalities before they are born. Un medical ethics groups stated, “Letting parents use new gene-editing technology to pick characteristics of their unborn child can be “morally acceptable” as long as it doesn’t increase social inequalities” (Matthews-King, Alex). For example, instead of forcing a child to study, they will naturally be enhanced mentally. If enhancing only personalities that will benefit the world, animals, humans, and themselves that will end living in a better world. But what that’s their personality parents have no right to takt that away. If a child has a bad personality the parent will discipline them in different ways to change the personality already so their personality will change from there parents no matter what.

In conclusion, Designer babies will end up improving the world, themselves, and other people. There will be fewer people with fatal genetic disorders with designer babies. Designer babies are not completely unethical. The designer baby may end up being a better person by influencing its personality. Designer babies are more than just customizing your baby's hair color and eyes. They can also be people who live healthier life and happier life.

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