Dependence in Of Mice and Men Essay Sample

📌Category: Books, Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck
📌Words: 548
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 19 July 2022

In the story Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, George needed Lennie just as much as Lennie needed George. While Lennie is cognitively impared in the story, he has other aspects that George doesn’t have in order to survive. In the story, George appears to be the brains between the two, but Lennie is brawn since he is taller and more muscular. Lennie also helps George mentally to keep him going and be hopeful of his future. George needed Lennie just as much as Lennie  needed George in Of Mice and Men which is clear through his actions, comments, and plans for the future. 

George’s actions in Of Mice and Men very clearly show that he relies on Lennie just as much as Lennie relies on him. Lennie does have a tendency to get into trouble wherever he and George go. While this would make most people upset and leave the other person, George stays with Lennie because he relies on him for his brawn. This is shown when George says to Lennie, ” Cause I want you to stay with me.”(Steinbeck 13). He says this after he gets angry at Lennie for carrying around yet another dead mouse and Lennie says that he could just go live in a cave on the mountains. This shows that George needs Lennie because even though he's mad at him for never listening, he still wants Lennie to stay with him.

 George’s comments in Of Mice and Men also show how much he relies on Lennie as well. Between things George would say to either the other people working with him or to Lennie himself, they show just how much George depends on Lennie. George states while talking to the boss for the first time, “But he's sure a hell of a good worker. Strong as a bull.”(Steinbeck 22) George bringing Lennie up while talking to the boss shows how much George needs Lennie in order to get the job. Without Lennie, the boss would have likely overlooked George as he was shorter and not as strong looking.

George's plans for the future also show how much he relies on Lennie. Whenever George talks about his dream to get a house and land someday, he always says something like, “O.K. Someday- we’re gonna get the jack together and we’re gonna have a little house and a couple of acres an’ a cow and some pigs.”(Steinbeck 14) George relies on Lennie for his strength and to get jobs, so it would make sense for him to want Lennie to live with him one day when they can get a house. As shown from the scholarly source Of Mice and Men 'Lennie Needs George More Than George Needs Lennie' written by publisher Bartleby Research, they state, “Lennie is able to give George hope, hope that things will get better by continually talking about the dream of ‘livin’ of the fatta the land.”. Without Lennie constantly talking about both his and George’s dream, George would most likely not be as motivated to accomplish it.

It is shown in many ways just how much George needs Lennie like how Lennie needs him. George is shown to be the brains of the pair, but Lennie has other strengths George lacks. Lennie has strength and height that George doesn’t possess to help them survive in the wild and get jobs to earn money. George stays with Lennie throughout the whole story, up until the end, knowing that is the best for not just Lennie, but also himself.

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