Compare and Contrast Essay Example: A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen and Blood Wedding by Federico Garcia

📌Category: Plays
📌Words: 410
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 02 July 2022

A Doll’s House is a play written in the 19th century, which revolves around the 19th century bourgeoisie. Whereas Blood Wedding is a tragedy about two men fighting for a woman’s love.

 To start off, in A Doll’s House we see how Nora is oppressed through the use of foreshowing, symbolism, and more. For example, right at the beginning of the play where Torvald is seen to be calling Nora pet names such as “my squirrel”, “skylark”, etc. which not only shows how Torvald objectifies Nora but also how he shows his authority towards her. Similarly, in Blood Wedding the Bride and Leonardo are suppressed and not given the freedom to love due to social limitations, this can be seen clearly by observing the dramatic techniques used by the author. Their lack of freedom to love can be seen when Leonardo used to lie to his wife and mother to go meet the bride and how the bride used to use the excuse of baking bread to meet Leonardo.

As observed by the reader, A Doll’s House was a major artistic movement in its time where the player does not show unrealistic situations, instead, it shows a situation of a typical middle-class family. Furthermore, A Doll’s House is solely based on feminism and the desire of a woman to establish her identity which was not a typical idea shown at the time. So in A Doll’s House, we can see the author showing the characters to go against many societal norms such as when Nora left Torvald at the end of the play which went against the basic idea of women to always be oppressed. On the other hand, in Blood Wedding, we can see the writer following the traditional theatrical norms and focusing on the themes of fate, deception, and progression of time which were typical at the time. In the play, we see the people who go against the societal norms either faced with death or have ended up alone, which convinces the reader to understand cultural differences and to not speak up for what you desire.

To conclude, we see that both the authors, Hendrik Ibsen and Federico Garcia had similar themes that they wanted to convey, but had different perspectives when it came to societal norms. Henrik Ibsen was able to convey his themes in a way that they are still relevant in today’s day where people can still relate to the situations presented by him. On the other hand, Blood Wedding is not seen to be very relevant in today’s day due to the tragedies shown and the way the situations were handled by the characters.

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