Character of Abigail Williams in the Crucible

📌Category: Literature, Plays
📌Words: 777
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 23 April 2021

I am going to do my character analysis on Abigail Williams for the particular reason for the circumstance stance is that she seem interesting to write about.

There a lot of interesting a lot you can say about her. She had an emotionally had a difficult life she didn't have her family like her mom or dad for this particular reason why she mentioned in the play that her parents got slashed her by her bedside pillow from by Indians therefore she had a tough childhood. In the story, she has threatened the girls if they said anything she was going to kill them.  She was also outspoken but everything whichever she would say if something was on her mind she would say it she had no fear of anybody If they ever told what truly happened in the woods when the story took place. My Thoughts on the matter are she should have must not gone dancing in Wood with the other girls and the particular reason why I think that is witchcraft and voodoo stuff are Are for the renegade towards the devil The people who summon the devil And they were thoroughly trying to invoke the devil that point.

In the story Abigail seems very mean and snappy, and although they thought she was summed by the devil. she knew everything furthermore she thought could get away with anything. but that wasn't true s and she was leading the girls into the court to make whatever she does to if they faint all the girls if they were screaming all the girls are screaming on the top of their lungs as they have seen, have you seen a ghost. If they did everything that. The girls followed Abigail all move and they were in court. It shows reading and understanding in the book that it shows her true colors and it shows that she is.  It shows that smart intelligent girl but she just wanted something out of it. That certainly shows that she was smart and she knew what she was thinking

about the mid to end of the story Abigail Williams realize bad she was blaming Tituba. saying that she provoked this she did this but Abigail drank blood. she made this whole thing start to play particular reason on the circumstance why this started is because she was dancing in the woods with the other girls and with all the trials and how many months that they came to formally realized that this influenced everybody in that Village. I think in my opinion that Abigail Williams. is the villain in the story for the particular reason on the circumstance of why I think that after she went dancing in the woods with all the girls the town went to hell and everything this wet Bazaar crazy. you fundamentally If do you were accused if you had for something that reminded of a witch or reading books you got told your witch you doing witchcraft your land is forfeited in someone else buy it and I think it's all crazy in my opinion but we all have different and that is all right do you have different opinions. The characteristics about Abigail Williams there was a delicate surface and there was not a very good side. she was having an affair with Mr. Proctor and Proctor had a spouse and boys. notwithstanding I think 7 months they were doing something or she's been gone for 7 months. In the opening of the play, Mr. Parris asks Abigail Williams why she was kicked out and she said that she didn't want her name to be bashed and it down because she was trying to be a goody wife and other stuff. It was bad for her to do the stuff when she did it was ladylike in my opinion however do we all have our different understandings of opinions and that's all right especially I think her characteristics frequently dispense off how she acted threatening the girls saying that she saw Indian / her parents by the bedside of her pillow. she's been through a lot and it mostly shows when someone goes through a lot they have this anger built up and they put it through something else to express how they're feeling and It could really take a toll by affecting a child of how they act by getting neglected or not can you showed or something happening to lose a family member she lost her parents and it reflects on her actions about how she acted. it affects the play and she been through a lot and it case it to affect the other member in the village and It effectively took a toll on everything after everything happened at the end of the story  I could only imagine that she seems to felt bad after everything happened about the hangings. None of this would happen if she just told the truth in my own opinion. 

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