Comparative Essay Sample: Liberalism and Conservatism

📌Category: Government, Political science
📌Words: 376
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 23 July 2022

The difference between liberalism and conservatism often gets bogged down into policy  quarrels, when in fact the support or opposition to specific trifles holds little bearing to such comprehensively different perspectives. The frames of reference of each ideology have opposite foundations, namely regarding equality. The liberal’s view of equality supposes that equality is a moral good. It therefore supports means that, to the liberal, result in an end of increased equality. Of course, liberals disagree both on the means by which to achieve equality and on the definition of equality itself. Conversely, the conservative, to varying extents, views inequality as an inescapable, natural consequence of human existence. The logical conclusion of conservative thought is not an ultimate equality, and is therefore a refutation of liberalism.

American liberalism is generally characterized by its acceptance of progressive ideas. The liberal aim is to represent and stand up for the disadvantaged and less privileged in a manner which caters to the needs of the group, be them civil or material. Liberals argue that existing inequalities are the fault of the current system and recommend reforms to any company or government organization that engages in discrimination. A strategic benefit of this ideology is that until equality is reached, there is always room for further reform, other causes to be championed, and more 

Conservatism in the United States exists as a negation of change and reform as proposed by the liberal. A problem inherent with this identity is the lack of a coherent platform. The modern conservative movement is fast to reject liberal proposals due to its reactionary nature, but dissolves into factions when faced with deciding what to stand for rather than stand against. Though conservatives do accept inequality, they may employ rhetoric concerning equality of opportunity. While seemingly contradictory to their coming to terms with inequality, to the conservative, there is a sense of inequality implicit in the idea of choice. Other characteristics of American conservatism include the resistance to change and a favor for tradition.

While conservatives usually belong to the Republican Party and liberals tend to the Democratic Party, there is significant overlap. The factious nature of each political party results in movements such as “Never-Trumpism” and the Reagan Democrats. The practice of party switching in America is an indicator that party affiliation is not the core ideological identity of the American. Indeed, the distinction between liberalism and conservatism is left versus right, but the sectarianism of American politics obscures this.

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