Claudius Character Analysis in Hamlet

📌Category: Hamlet, Literature, Plays, William Shakespeare
📌Words: 618
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 20 May 2021

There are plenty of characters in the play of Hamlet that affect Hamlet and the play as a whole. I chose King Claudius for this research project as he was the center of most if not all problems in the play. From this I was able to decipher the 3 main points. These points are what is Claudius’s significance to the play, what actions does he take that affect Hamlet's actions and inactions, and what themes does he impose?

To start this off I will bring up what I had previously said up above as the first point. So I  can answer the question of what was King Claudiues significance to the play? Claudius was the sole person that started the whole play as later in the play the ghost informs us the readers and the audience here “With juice of … my smooth body” (Hamlet 1.5.65-69) that King Hamlet was killed By his own brother Claudious who later becomes the new king of Denmark. He was killed by using a certain flower to poison the king and he poisoned him by playing it in his ear while he was sleeping as King Hamlet had a habit of taking naps. Even before knowing the true nature of his fathers death he was very depressed but after knowing how and who killed his father he aspirated into a deeper depression and was also engulfed with the sole goal of revenge for his father.

Once again I will repull what I said from the paragraph above to answer the second question of what actions does Claudius take that affect Hamlet's actions and inactions. One Major one is the fact that Hamlet Goes into a deeper depression and becomes engulfed into revenge after knowing the truth of how and who had killed his father. Another Major one if not it is quite possible the most important is the duel that Claudius presents to Hamlet on the behalf of Laertes. As stated here “Stay; give me drink… my sprite” (Hamlet 5.2.284-366) Claudius Rigs the duel from the start to favor Claudius and Laertes as they both want to have Hamlet killed. He rings the duel in two ways: he poisons the cases of wine for Hamlet as he was to drink from it for his victory and the other way was that Claudius poisoned the blade of the rapier that Laertes was going to use against Hamlet. These actions that Clauidus had taken to kill Hamlet would ultimately accomplish that goal at the cost of his own life and the whole Family line of Hamlet as Hamlets mother insists on taking the sip for Hamlet's victory in hits and she is poisoned and dies. From this Laertes was able to land a hit on Hamlet poisoning him and then they switch blades and He is able to hit Laertes back after this He stabs Claudius with the rapier and makes him drink the poisoned chalice of wine that Queen Gutruded took ultimately killing him off and later as the poison sets in Laertes and Hamlet are killed as well. The actions that Claudius takes back there accomplishment ultimately ending there family line as it was Claudius’s doings as he rigid the duel with Poison.

Finally to answer the third question on what themes does Clausdius impose in the play of Hamlet. He places the what looks to be the continuous Theme of poisoning which is also a recurring theme throughout most if not all of Shakespeare’s works. Its very apparent that this is a recurring theme here in this play as Claudius Brings poinsion to the table in terms of the play as not only does he Posion his brother (Hamlet 1.5.65-69), but he also Poisons his wife, Hamlet and even himself in a way (Hamlet 5.2.284-366). As Hamlet is the one that poisons him but there was poison at the duel because of Claudius riging the duel in the first place so in other words he really poisoned himself.

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