Awareness About Intermittent Explosive Disorder Essay Example

📌Category: Disorders, Health, Mental health
📌Words: 555
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 22 July 2022

Intermittent explosive disorder is a serious disorder that often gets overlooked, many people around the world are affected by this mental illness.  

Most people do not understand the meaning of intermittent explosive disorder, most think that it's a normal way of life, some might even say, “well everyone has anger,” true, but Intermittent explosive disorder is not just anger, for example, anger is an emotion that someone feels towards someone or something, anger is a natural response from the body. Intermittent explosive disorder is Unwanted anger, Repeated aggression episodes, violent behaviors, and Angry Outbursts.

It is not your normal anger, IED, makes one feel like they don’t have control over their body meaning when someone with IED has several episodes, they most likely will throw things, break things, destroy things/ destroy property, get into physical fights for no reason, and abuse others, this aggression can display road rage, for example, people with IED lose their temper repeatedly witch Can last up to 30 minutes and after an attack of aggression, they feel relieved, many people with IED have many not thought out outburst, people with IED are blinded by there rage, so they might not know what they did tell the rage is over, all of this could lead to a car accident.

IED can affect someone’s relationship, school, and work. IED is a chronic disorder that could go on for years. 

What is the cause of IED? This disorder can start in your childhood after the age 6 it can also happen during teenager years, IED is more common amongst younger adults than older adults, for the disorder it’s self no one really knows why it is caused, some might say its environmental, or Genetic or it could just be the difference in the brain, well all of this could be true but it all depends on how the person grew up, for example, most people with this disorder may have grown up in a family with explosive behaviors like breaking things, throwing things or screaming, children will eventually start to develop the habit. IED can be from someone’s bloodline also known as their genetics the disorder can be passed down through bloodlines, for example, bipolar, depression, diabetes, and much more can all be passed down through genetics, just like IED also if someone parents have a history with mental illness, they will be at high risk of developing a mental illness. 

There are many things that can cause IED for example it could be from trauma, childhood experience, and much more. This chronic illness causes Distress. 

People with intermittent explosive disorder are more likely to abuse drugs or alcohol, harm themselves, and Have other disorders They also may be more at high risk of medical problems For example diabetes, High blood pressure, and chronic pain.

How common is IED, There's an  estimate between 1 to 7 people can develop IED within their lifetime 

How is IED diagnosed? A diagnosis begins with taking somebody's medical History and seeing if they cannot control their anger, For instance, if someone fails to control their anger they may take it out on animals, people, and property This is also known as verbal aggression and physical aggression, This can occur 2 times a week in a period of 3 months.

How is IED treated/ can it be treated? IED can be treated, Most people might recommend behavioral therapy, medications like Fluoxetine. This disorder can last 4 years meaning when not treated it may worsen over the years. 

What are some complications that come with IED? This disorder may have very Pessimistic outcomes on somebody's Health.

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