Animal Farm's Utopian Society Essay Sample

đź“ŚCategory: Animal Farm, Books, George Orwell, Writers
đź“ŚWords: 650
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 03 July 2022

In the novel Animal Farm by Geroge Orwell, a group of animals attempted to create a utopian society to escape their human oppressor Mr. Jones and to be free from his abusiveness. The animals rebelled against Mr. Jones and made him flee off the farm with his people. Once the farm was free from the cruelties of mankind they attempted to create a society where every animal would be equal, free, and not be treated the way Mr. Jones would treat them. This soon went downhill when the pigs on the farm became superior to the rest of the animals. The animal’s mistake was allowing the pigs to gain power over them for allowing them to do anything without making them accountable for their actions. The pigs then took advantage of it to make the farm and the animals beneficial to only them. 

To begin with, when animals successfully got their freedom from their human oppressor Mr. Jones, the pigs created rules for the farm that every animal agreed on. The animals called the rules of the farm The Seven Commandments in were the animals on the farm were to follow. At first, the animals had followed the commandments and had agreed that they would be led by the pigs because according to them the pigs were the smartest animals on the farm. The pigs started off by making the animals produce food for them and the rest of the animals and making them give them apples and milk where only they got because they needed to be well-fed and healthy to have the strength to maintain the farm running. The animals gave the pigs what they “needed” because they thought that if the pigs were unhealthy they would be gone and that Mr. Jones would come back, and everything would go back like it used to be. 

Eventually, a specific pig named Napoleon became in charge of the farm animals and became the leader of the pigs. Napoleon and the pigs began to break rules and would do what they desired with the advantage that most of the animals of the farm couldn’t think for themselves. Although at times when the animals would believe that Napoleon and the pigs were doing something wrong, Napoleon would make the pigs manipulate the animals into thinking that everything was fine and that they were wrong and not them. Another advantage Napoleon had was the fact that most of the animals on the farm besides the pigs knew how to read, therefore they couldn’t read the Seven Commandments in where the rules on the farm were written. Even though the animals sensed something was wrong they remained silent and did nothing about it allowing Napoleon and the pigs to get away with corruption.  

Moreover, the animals on the farm would let Napoleon and the pigs manage everything on the farm and became dependent on them for money, food, and sources of information. Napoleon slowly began to have more power over the animals and began to obtain more control over them. Over time Napoleon and the pigs began being abusive to the animals and were breaking many of the rules on the commandments. Napoleon also began killing the animals on the farm for breaking the rules, and this caused the animals to fear him and the pigs more and no animal would rebel against them. In the end when the animals came to the realization of the manipulation of the pigs, and that their actions had become as cruel as their human oppressor they had realized that nothing on the farm had actually changed since Mr. Jones had left. 

In conclusion, the animal’s attempt of creating a utopian society failed due to the fact of having a dictator ruler like Napoleon can lead to sabotage because they will care about no one when it comes to obtaining power. Just like the animals remained silent about the pig’s corruption it also led up to a bigger problem. A lot of power being in control by a dictator ruler can be a problem because they will become power-hungry and only want more and more, but someone speaking up about it can change the problem for the better.

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