Analysis of Stickup Kid Essay Example

📌Category: Entertainment, Movies
📌Words: 916
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 27 July 2022

Stickup Kid is a documentary by Public Broadcasting Service. This documentary tells about a kid named Alonza Thomas how he committed an armed robbery, and how he was sentenced to prison. This was just after California came out with a law that was more strict for juvenile offenders like Alonza Thomas. Alonza Thomas shortly after pleading guilty and was sentenced to thirteen years in an adult prison. The juvenile system and its law failed Alonza Thomas and others by the factors for juvenile systems, the consequences of locking up juvenile defenders, and the connections between the television series The Wire and the documentary.

Firstly, factors that are involved in the juvenile justice system and detention centers affected the way Alonza Thomas and many others outcome after they got out of prison. Furthermore, there is no support in prison. Alonza Thomas wrote a letter and said this letter “I feel like Humpty Dumpty, I had a fall and the counselors, officers, and therapist can’t put me back together again.” This shows that in the important ages that Alonza needed adult figures in his life to look up to, talk to, and trust was not there. Alonza and kids like Alonza need that support in the juvenile detention systems. Additionally, there is the harm in the detention centers as well. Alonza attempted suicide multiple times. A teenager on Alonza’s cell block committed suicide. Alonza said, “I am not gonna be able to take it.” This shows that as a teenager when depression, uncertainty, and anxiety are set in place a juvenile system is a harmful place for developing teenagers. This means that the outcome of prison on a young teenager can affect their outcome of prison. Lastly, the young teens being sentenced to adult prisons can suffer from major mental health problems. Alonza said, “sometimes I would have conversations with myself and answer questions like I was talking to someone.” This shows that not only Alanza was suffering but others were experiencing some of the same things. Some experienced anxiety and depression and the coping ways of the detention centers were not helping. All in all, the factors involved in these juvenile detention centers did not support these young teens' with mental health, harm, and no support, which did not help them when they became released from prison. 

Secondly, there are multiple consequences of locking young juvenile defenders up and charging them as adults. Furthermore, young teens including Alonza Thomas can have a whole personality change. Alonza’s mom said “He was in isolation, he did not have a color. He was grey.” This shows that Alonza was losing himself. Thomas was sad, depressed, and anxious all the time because he was locked in a cage for twenty-three hours a day. This means that he was growing into this caged life and was adjusting his life to fit this new lifestyle he had. Additionally, once young teen is released they have to relearn and adjust to life. Alonza was talking to the doctor before he left and said, “This cage is safe and comfortable to me.” This shows that being in prison is all that Alonza knew and grew up with for the past thirteen years. This means that once he was released, he truly did not know how to live. Alonza’s thoughts kept revolving around being in prison. Lastly, poor mental health after being released is a huge concern for young juvenile defenders. According to PBS Frontline, Alonza told Sarah Childress, “ My routine every day is survive.” This shows that Alonza is still dealing with depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems, and trying to move on from his situation. All in all, the consequences of locking up juvenile offenders include personality changes, mental health problems, and trying to relearn how to live all affecting the young teens before and after jail time. 

Lastly, this documentary about Alonza Thomas has connections to the television show The Wire. Furthermore, the Wire itself, as well as the documentary, are both forms of tabloids. For instance, the wire in episode four was used because when McNulty told the judge about how the witness was killed, it showed up in the newspaper. This event provoked the word on the street. This means, that people would buy the newspaper to get the story about how the cops are onto and looking into the case. This raised to fear and questions throughout the streets. The documentary story helped to sell newspapers by raising awareness of what was happening to young teens like Alonza Thomas who committed a crime, and what was actually happening to them. Additionally, In the Wire and the documentary, both stories showed a way of doing what is best for their situation. The Wire is that the kids on the streets go into drug dealing because they think it is best for them. Alonza, thinking he needed to rob that gas station so he could get out of the situation he was in. Both stories showed a way of dealing with their situation to the best of their abilities. Lastly, both stories are types of media. The wire is a type of mass media, which tends to reach a lot of people. Stickup Kid is a type of broadcast media that offers factual events. All in all, both stories Stickup Kid and The Wire, are types of media, tabloids, and dealing with their own situations. 

In conclusion, the juvenile system and its law failed young teens who committed a crime like Alonza Thomas and others. The factors involved within the juvenile systems, the consequences of locking up juvenile defenders, and the connection between The Wire and the Stickup Kid documentary. Even though some laws changed because of people like Alonza Thomas, there is no certainty of the amount of pain and suffering young people in jail face today. In both media, The Wire and the documentary Stickup Kid bring awareness to issues that continue to happen each day.

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