Analysis of Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson (Essay Sample)

📌Category: Books, Speak
📌Words: 634
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 25 June 2022

Have you ever felt alone during a time where you needed support the most but no one seemed to understand? In the book Speak written by Laurie Halse Anderson. Laurie uses silence to emphasize that people can suffer in silence by not speaking up about trauma. This is shown through the life of Melinda Sordino who deals with severe anxiety and depression due to the tramtic expernice of her being raped over the summer by the star qaurterback Andy Evans who is now dating  her ex friend Rachel. This causes Melinda to become very silent and not be able to speak up about this trauma causing her to suffer from within. Melinda does strike gold though and makes friends with the new girl Heather but that only lasts so long with Heather unfriending her later on. She copes with the loneliness threw art where she becomes friends with Ivy and also becomes close with her art teacher Mr. Freeman. Another way she seeks refuge from her loneliness is by making her own space in an abandoned janitor's closet where she stores her art. Eventually Melinda ends up telling her ex friend Rachel about what Andy Evans has done. Rachel didn't believe it at first but she ends up taking Melinda's side and confronting Andy resulting in Andy confronting Melinda which results in a fight. The girl's lacrosse team catches him fighting Melinda which encourages her to finally speak out. Throughout the novel Anderson emphasizes silence to show the transition of how Melinda goes from being closted about her trauma to experiencing her trauma vocally.

My first example of this is when Melinda had been hit with mashed potatoes at lunch causing her to walk out into the halls out of embarrassment but Mr.Neck caught her out there without a pass. Melinda then states that “It's easier not to say anything. Shut your trap button your lip, can it.”(9) This shows that Melinda thinks it better to just stay silent than speak up for what's right . My second example is when Melinda's father had messed up when preparing their thanksgiving soup causing him to have to order pizza instead. “Dad: "It's supposed to be soup."  Me: “silence"                                                                                               Dad: " Call for pizza. I"ll get rid of this.”(61)  This quote shows how in social situations even with her parents Melinda tries not to add to conversations. My third example is when Melinda wakes up late and her mom ends up refusing to give her a ride to school. “ Mom: "You missed the bus again"  Me: “I nod.” Mom: " You expect me to drive you again"  Me: “Another nod.” (96) This quote shows how Melinda tries to refrain from having any verbal communication with people even with her mother. My final example is when Andy Evans, also known as ¨IT¨ walks into the art room looking for Rachel and asks Melinda if she has seen her.  IT: "She's supposed to meet me, but I can't find her anywhere. Do you know where she is?” Me: “silence.” This quote shows how Melinda is afraid to speak to Andy Evans after what he had done to her at the party. This evidence proves how someone that has undergone traumatic events can suffer in silence.

In conclusion, people can suffer in many different ways and Melinda proves that silence can be one of the main ways people suffer from traumatic events. Because people like Melinda do not have enough strength or courage to speak up about what happened to them. Melinda does end up growing from marking period one where Melinda is very quiet and even in social situations that have nothing to do with her trauma she still is silent and does not speak up for herself letting many people walk over her.  But by marking period four Melinda is speaking up for herself and is not being scared to speak on behalf of her opinion. This proves that the book Speak shows how someone that has undergone traumatic events can suffer but not from the outside but from the within.

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