Analysis of Macbeth's Ambition Essay Example

📌Category: Macbeth, Plays, William Shakespeare, Writers
📌Words: 791
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 06 August 2022

Macbeth, as a play, is propelled forward through the Macbeths’ ambition and their heinous acts formed through it. The play revolves around their actions to achieve their ambitious dreams of Kingship & Queendom however it leads them to their ultimate doom. Through them, Shakespeare highlights the danger of ambition and breaking the societal order. The thought is enhanced by the fact that the play was written from a Jacobean view where society followed the ‘Great Chain Of Being’, where the King was the greatest earthly being and compelling him was not only a crime but also unholy. The danger of possessing ambition is showcased through the Macbeths’ by Macbeth’s ambition and Lady Macbeth’s analysis of it as well as Lady Macbeth’s ambition as a woman of the era. 

Shakespeare introduces the witches as to plant the seed of ambition in Macbeth that leads it to evolve into him and then take over him as an individual with a moral compass. At first, he believes for kingship to be completely out of “the prospect of [his] belief” however he then commands the witches to stay and “tell me [him] more”. Macbeth starts to contemplate his future kingship even though he realizes that he will “yield to that suggestion” of killing King Duncan. Here, we see the becoming of his ambition that will lead to his later actions. He says that the witches have told ‘two truths’ so his possibility of achieving ‘the imperial theme’ is very high. Though, we realise that it is only growing, newfound ambition which is out of his nature as just the “fantastical murder” makes him uneasy with a ‘heart knock[ing] at my [his] ribs”. Calling back to Scene Two, the epithets used by Duncan for Macbeth seem ironic now as the audience knows that the character is not only eyeing the throne for himself but also planning Duncan’s demise.  Ambition is first introduced to the play through merely a prophecy by the witches however it will prove to be dangerous and dooming. 

We next meet the theme of ambition with Macbeth in Scene Four when Malcolm is announced to be the heir to the throne. Shakespeare showcases Macbeth’s ambition through a dichotomy of his worthy outward appearances towards the characters and his power-hungry inner thoughts towards the audience in his asides. Macbeth’s ambition for power is continued as he expresses how Malcolm is someone he will have to “o’erleap” as he lies “in my [his] way”. Compared to his previous description of crossing hurdles for power like regicide, he is not fearful of his thoughts anymore in fact he is very confident with them. He even stresses on the importance of outward appearances saying that light will need to hide his “black and deep desires”.  He recognises how his ambition is evil yet he still follows it showing the audience his moral corruption. Adding to that, the corruption of his morality is also highlighted with the dichotomy as right before the aside, Macbeth is described as “worthy Cawdor” and then he continues to show his ‘black and deep desires’. This also shows us how quickly ambition has corrupted his sense of honour and loyalty towards Duncan. Shakespeare extends Macbeth’s ambition and makes it more powerful, to the point where he loses his ethics and morality in comparison to it showing how dangerous ambition can be. 

The witches’ prophecies spurred Lady Macbeth’s ambition much more than it did for Macbeth as not only does she motivate Macbeth towards his ambition, she also subsequently achieves her own ambitious dreams through him. Upon reading Macbeth’s letter, Lady Macbeth analyses Macbeth’s ambition saying that he's ‘not without ambition’ in fact he has many ambitious dreams however he is without the ‘illness’ to “attend it” as he is too “full of the milk of human kindness”. He is too kind. By saying that he can’t follow his ambition due to his kindness, she implies that ambition can only be followed by those who can ignore their morality and ethics. Additionally, she equates having the power to follow ambition with ‘illness’, this implies for Shakespeare to believe that following one’s ambitions is something disorderly and evil. She extends the theme of ambition by describing her own ambition of Queendom saying that once Macbeth comes home, she will ‘pour’ her spirits in thine ear’ to influence him into following ambition and consequently her ambition. She is the one who first decides that Duncan’s visit to her battlements will be his “fatal entrance” showing how her ambition is much more influential than his. Lady Macbeth’s ambition leads her to manipulate Macbeth into following his ambition and committing heinous acts. 

Overall, Shakespeare presents ambition as an act that corrupts one’s ethics and morals and is associated with the evils of society and the heavens beyond. He conveys this through the Macbeths who are planted with the seed of ambition by the witches but it evolves with their desire for the royal titles and corrupts their sense of loyalty towards their King and ethics in all. They are models for people with unsatisfiable amounts of ambition that will lead them towards their tragic falls.

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