American Nightmare in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Essay Example

📌Category: Books, Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck
📌Words: 458
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 16 July 2022

Bernie Sanders once said, “For many, the American dream has become a nightmare” (Sanders). This statement wraps around the concept of getting self-absorbed by the unobtainable and falling hostage by false hope. In the novel Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck expresses this idea through the use of many characters and livelihoods that have been destroyed by the attempts of reaching the American Dream. In spite of the American dream not being achieved, it is possible to achieve it. Steinbeck expresses this because the dream will prevent reality, and obstacles and unawareness will occur.

In this novel, George Milton and Lennie Small had a dream to stop being migrant workers. Small was mentally challenged so when trying to get a job it was difficult. Slim mentions,  “Ain’t many guys travel around together,” and since Milton and Small travel as a pair, it makes it more difficult for George to get a job as well (Steinbeck 36). When George and Lennie settle down at their new job on the ranch, they meet someone who wants to pursue the same dream as them; his name is Candy. Candy is a huge addition, especially when it comes to contributing or donating… Lennie has been thriving and working towards his “American dream,” until one day he gets caught up… 

Curley, the little boss, harassed everyone on the ranch, and in particular, Slim. Slim was accused of messing with Curley’s wife. So, in order for Curley to stop bullying, George abused Lennie's strengths. Lennie fails to realize how strong he is and how non-in-control he is, ``Leggo his hand Lennie,” Smalls strength has taken over. (Steinbeck 64) “I didn't wanta,” said Lennie (Steinbeck 64) Small never wanted any of this. Small didn't want his strength to be overbearing. Lennie happened to have an encounter with Curley's wife, Curley's wife starts to talk to Small about her dream, her dream was to become a famous actress and go on shows. Lennie has tendencies to attract to soft things, so when he sees something soft he automatically thinks it's fine to touch those things. Small’s starts to feel around in Curley's wife's hair, “Feel right aroun' there an' see how soft it is.” (Steinbeck 90) Lennie starts to get very rough and aggressive, he finds himself grabbing her too hard and breaking her neck. Lennie's state of inability allowed Curley's wife's death to be acknowledged. George soon found out about Lennie's wrong doings, and George had no choice. Slim said, “You hadda, George. I swear you hadda.” (Steinbeck 107) 

Lennie's actions lead to his own death, a nightmare realized, became the fate of George and Lennie. Lennie overcame so many hurdles, he finally landed a job despite The Great Depression and it’s hardship, for all of it to come to an end. Smalls thought that if they scrounge up enough money, take the easy way out, and live life carelessly, they would have their American dream. Steinbeck's message led to a nightmare. 

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