Advantages of Planning in Achieving Success Essay Example

📌Category: Philosophy, Success
📌Words: 478
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 20 July 2022

There are many ways of achieving success but they eventually boil down to taking great risks or planning every step. There is no doubt that the first one, taking risks, is the better known and more appreciated way by the public. The reasons for such popularity are clear, despite the odds, making risky but rewarding progression is fascinating and more fun compared to patient and careful steps. People love sharing “big risk big reward” stories. Yet, if the aim is to achieve success with the greatest chance, then planning is the superior method to go with.

There are many factors that make planning a better strategy compared to taking risks. The first and most obvious one is when you plan your moves, you learn a lot from them even if they fail.  Planning is educative. It requires careful and extensive thinking. The more effort you put in your plans, the more adequate you get on the subject. In comparison with planning, taking risks is clearly a simpler and less sophisticated method. In the long run, planning can bring one vast knowledge and experience on any type of subject. 

Secondly, planning prominently increases your efficiency and consistency in the process of achieving success. Taking risks involves lots of up and downs. The reasoning behind taking risks is simple. If the chance is reasonable, you go for it. Yet, this reasoning can even be described as primitive when in comparison with the complexity of planning. Road to success consists of many connected periods. Each period has different characteristics and to successfully overcome them you have to set goals, carry out every move with a reason, consider possible outcomes and not forget past results. Each and every one of those processes, if carried out successively, draw a chart that is consistently going up, not losing a bit and gaining a bit in taking risks. Risk takers also have a tendency to be reckless, a similar phenomenon some gamblers face. Unlike those, planning works like an invisible seat belt. It prevents you from being impulsive. You make your moves mindfully, thus increasing the efficiency.

The last but definitely not least factor is planning makes you prepared for the future. This factor has tight connections with the educative side of the planning yet they are different. Taking risks and being successful can fill you up with joy but in regard of earning useful experiences, it doesn’t add much. On the other hand, through your plans, you passively gain lots of experience and they help you face potential problems that you can come across in the future. Road to success is rough and full of obstacles. Planning is clearly the smarter way to face with them.

In short, progressing towards success involves many factors but no easiness. However, compared with alternative strategies, planning is the most constructive way of overcoming it. Taking risks and expecting to be successful is a gamble. Conversely, planning is a safer method with many other benefits. You learn a lot and progress healthily throughout your journey to success. It is a smart investment, both to yourself and to your cause.

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