Essay Sample about Cyanobacteria

📌Category: Biology, Science
📌Words: 608
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 30 July 2022

What was the nearest lake around you when you were growing up? This is relevant because this bacterium affects lakes and will ruin your fun. Cyanobacteria is harmful to fish and humans. In this essay, I will be going over what cyanobacteria are, how the bacterium works, what it does to lakes the human body and fish, and how cyanobacteria can be cleaned and is very healthy to eat. 

Cyanobacteria are also known as blue-green algae is a bacterium that obtains energy through photosynthesis. Cyanobacteria usually multiply and reproduce when the water is warm, stagnant, and has high amounts of phosphorus and nitrogen. This is relevant because lakes near farmlands have high run-off fertilizer which contains nitrogen and phosphorus. The reason why I picked cyanobacteria is because I live in a town with a lake that gets blue-green algae very early. Many people would think that this bacteria isn’t a big deal until you look at the stats and many lakes deal with cyanobacteria. In the article, “Lakes Presenting Risk for Exposure to Harmful Algal Toxins” the article reviews the damages to fish and the human body which I will go over later but also, 315 lakes out of the 1082 lakes sampled have blue-green algae which is at 29%. This may not sound too bad, but this is not an easy fix because synthetic fertilizers and manure both contain excess phosphorus and nitrogen. Also, according to Anthony Meusch, the organic fertilizer still has excess nitrogen and phosphorus which is the main cause of the blue-green algae in lakes.

Cyanobacteria has many effects on humans and fish when cyanobacteria are in the lake. According to the CDC who wrote “Facts about Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms for Poison Center Professionals.”  The three ways a human can be exposed to cyanobacteria is ingestion, swallowing contaminated water or eating contaminated food, inhalation, breathing the toxins of the contamination, and skin contact with the contaminated water. Any person exposed may run into symptoms such as pneumonia, rhinitis, sore throat, bronchospasm, or dermatitis. A few ways to detect if a person was sick due to cyanobacterium is a liver electrolyte test, renal function test, or chest radiograph according to the CDC. If a person was exposed to due skin contact a way to lower sickness is to wash your body in soap immediately after the exposure. Another way if water is ingested one just has to replenish fluids and drink high electrolyte drinks. If animals are exposed most likely they just throw up or foam in the animals’ mouth. According to Amelia Danver cyanobacteria can be toxic to fish and a certain toxin that can kill the fish. According to “Cyanotoxins: Bioaccumulation and Effects on Aquatic Animals.” They say that most of the deaths of fish are not only from the algal bloom but the low oxygen level concentration and the high pH level from the photosynthesis. Cyanobacteria can damage certain organs in the fish such as their liver, kidneys, heart, and gills. 

Ironically cyanobacteria can be eaten and taken in doses if the contaminants are stripped. Blue-green algae have many positive effects when the algae are edible. According to WebMD blue-green algae contains proteins that are equal to meat and dairy proteins. WebMD also says that blue-green algae is used for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and obesity. Side effects may be nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, and dizziness. A human can safely have doses of 19 grams for 2 months. 10 grams of blue-green algae can be taken for 6 months safely. According to Ku Chai Siah, he says that blue-green algae is an excellent antioxidant also he says that blue-green algae contains vitamin C, E, and B12. Also, Cyanobacteria contains the B1 and B3 vitamins. Cyanobacteria also contains protein, potassium, and magnesium. Some benefits may include increasing endurance, being used as an anti-inflammatory, helping weight loss, and relieving allergies. For cyanobacteria to be eaten safely it must go through a harvesting and cleaning process.

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