Historical Figures

Essay Example about Thea Bowman

Thea Bowman was born December 29th 1937 in Yazoo City Mississippi. Thea was a Protestant until age nine when she asked her parents if she could become catholic. Sister Thea had shared the message of g…

Words: 505
Pages: 2
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Essay Example

Joan Ruth Bader was the youngest of the 2 children of Nathan Bader and Celia Bader. She was born March 15 1933 in Brooklyn, New york. At only six Her sister, Marilyn died of meningitis when Joan was j…

Words: 378
Pages: 2
Essay Sample about Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman was one of the many historical figures that have impacted us during our period of life. This short essay I am supposed to pick an important historical figure and talk about what they di…

Words: 776
Pages: 3
Napoleon Bonaparte Essay Sample

Napoleon Bonaparte was a French military leader, and an Emperor. He was born on August 15, 1769 in Ajaccio, Coria. His father was Carlo Bonaparte, and his mother was Letizia Bonaparte. Napoleon was th…

Words: 402
Pages: 2