Theme of Fate in Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart Essay Example

📌Category: Books, Things Fall Apart
📌Words: 715
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 01 August 2022

Chinua Achebe in the novel things fall apart presents various parallels and overarching theme of fates most prominent is the case of Okonkwo and his father and how although however respected as a man Okonkwo was, he died a fate remarkably similar if not identical to his father whom Okonkwo so greatly despised and tried so hard to not let such a parallel to occur. Keeping all of this in mind “This essay show that the existence of an ambition to defy fate only led Okonkwo to the same grave as his father.” This extremity only caused harm to him and the loved ones around him, for example such is the case of his two sons.

Unoka’s word in the beginning give a prophetic insight to how Okonkwo’s fate “A proud heart can survive a general failure because such a failure does not prick it’s pride. It is more difficult and more bitter when a man falls alone.” Unoka was referred to as an Agbala meaning not only a woman but rather a man who had taken up no title, seeing from such an early age that how his father was insulted and weak by the society Okonkwo decided to resent and be the bane of his father. Okonkwo hated anything and everything associated with his father prominently idleness and gentleness. These childhood premonitions as to how he should be are root cause for his actions in the future.

Nwoye always hinted to the fateful outcome. Nwoye had taken a liking and much to Okonkwo’s inward delight that under Ikemefuna Nwoye behaved less like Unoka and more to how Okonkwo appreciated. This change was only temporary till Ikemefuna was not killed by Okonkwo. Okonkwo cared deeply for both is Although initially by his hardened demeanour he was successful his lack of empathy and negligence to his sons but never showed it he knew when he was at fault but never let it be seen rather, he would only express one emotion which embodied his idea of masculinity, Anger. It was this anger that Nwoye inherited but rather composed and just as how Okonkwo’s anger was the catalyst that shaped his destiny, Nwoye’s anger towards the society at large and his father are what pushed him to conversion of faith. 

Ikemefuna had come to Umuofia when a woman had been killed and sent as a compensation. He was given to Okonkwo to take care of and soon he became very dear to him, but Okonkwo never displayed it openly. Okonkwo was consciously being harsh and when he knew it was unnecessary, he still scolded and beat Ikemefuna. Ikemefuna was lively by nature and soon became the favourite of the entire household. His role is very prominent in the novel, his death began the spell of Okonkwo’s downfall. Ikemefuna was living in Umuofia on borrowed time, it was known fact that the eventual fate of Ikemefuna would be death, but no one had anticipated about the duration of 3 years that he would live amongst them and most shocking of all is the involvement of Okonkwo. The same man who Ikemefuna called father the same man whose heart was filled with love for Ikemefuna struck a blow on his back. 

Unoka by his clan’s way was inadequate but his son to prove his polar opposite to his father took such a drastic step. Okonkwo did not eat for 2 days hidden from all crying with blood shot eyes but never went back on his word such great was his ambition to oppose his father’s traits. It was this brutal murder that sparked Nwoye away from his father’s ideals and took a path more associated to his grandfather. Okonkwo’s killings are parallel to Unoka’s laid back attitude both are wrong and nothing, but tragedy is seen as a repercussion for their flaws. Although Unoka did not directly cause his death, but he died in a similar disgraceful manner as his son both lost dignity and support from the village. 

Just as Unoka a talented artist was in his youth in an analogous manner his son was a renowned all across the land if not more but in death by disease in the case of Unoka or suicide both were left to fend on their own. “A shinobi's life is not measured by how they live but rather it's measured by what they accomplish before their death” a quote very aptly summarises however greatly Okonkwo tried to change his path and make a change but all he found was shame, after all in the end the grave dug for his father was the same for him.

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